Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Cheese Balls! Who's with me?


Lee said...

This looks like the start of those American Apparel ads that slowly transitions into NSFW softcore

Adam said...

Did you really just post an 8-picture collage of yourself?

marcspoke said...

yes he did. and he looks a bit loopy. cheese loops?

Butz said...

He looks equal parts gay, retarded and rabbit. A gay, retarded, cheeseball loving, rabbit. Those look gross, also.

Lee said...

Whose dirty couch are you sitting on?

I can visually smell the dull bleach odor permeating off the still warm man love session from it though my laptop

Faust said...

That's our creative work couch. How annoying is that sentence?

Cheese balls are equal parts delicious and disgusting. Not many foods can claim that paradox.

The Bear said...

Why does your head take up half the size of the creative work couch?

Butz said...

Creative work couch is an asinine thing.

Faust said...

I couldn't agree more.

Adam said...

I have a similar relationship with Sour Patch Kids. Are they terrible, are they great? I've arrived at a point of peace with this purgatory.

Also, and I ask this in all seriousness, can anyone only eat one BBQ pringle? The answer is no.

Faust said...

A great ad campaigns addressees your question Mr. Williams.


Lee said...

So you did this shoot for a coworker?

Male or female took the pictures?

Either answer stirs questions.

Unless it was a timer on a tripod, that would only make you awesome.

Faust said...

Female. Where are you going with this?