Wednesday, March 14, 2012

some other urinal. if nobody posts, its me from urinals all year.


L said...

Then at least get a better photo

Butz said...

I actually appreciate the urinal photos from various CA locations. I feel like this could go viral. Why are you in CA in the first place?

marcspoke said...

its always sunny here. not this wknd tho. im spot testing urinal flow ironically.

Adam said...

I want 1 urinal pic/week.

Adam said...

I want 1 urinal pic/week.

Adam said...

I also want to double post once per week.

marcspoke said...

done. please accept as many urinal pics as i can excrete on the blog. would someone start taking pics of poos they take? just for posterity's sake... jus' sayin'