Tuesday, May 29, 2012

The Omen

On my run this morning a crow flew into the back of my head and scared the every living shit out of me.  It also kinda hurt.  Fuck crows. I'm happy I never saw their movie.

From some internet source:
Every year starting in end of May to the end of June is when the new babies are born and crows will regularly and actively attack anything that gets close to its nesting area. 


Adam said...

This is weird to me as I just saw The Birds last week.

You got Hitchcocked.

At least you didnt get M Night Shamalayaned.

marcspoke said...

encroachment. you encroached. count the crows in monte cristo.

marcspoke said...

i'm a bit put off by the lack of enthusiasm, mere contribution, given our blogosphere. perhaps we need to do some s.e.o.? stir the pot a bit? or just post more vids? turkish wedding?