Friday, June 08, 2012

Let's Go.


Butz said...

This is amazing. Obviously, pleased to be ranked in the 80s. I am fired up about next weekend. I have not played much since my shoulder was reconstructed, so it should be one of the more frustrating/irritating/angering games of basketball I have ever played.

Adam said...

Why did you get your shoulder reconstructed? Was it from snowboarding? Did you try to throw a 90-mph cut fastball?

I feel like you may be injury prone. Is this accurate? At least you dont have elevator shaft legs like one of our opponents.

Adam said...

Chambers, no smoking at halftime.

Butz said...

No, not from snowboarding, but problably had something to do with snapping off curve balls as hard as i can using a softball a few years ago. It actually wasnt one particular event that caused the injury, rather a lifetime of improper shoulder use (odd jerk off routines, elderly abuse, and the like). I had started boxing and my shoulder was bothering me, so I went to the ortho doc, they gave me an MRI and it turned out my labrum and rotator cuff were torn and my biceps tendon was frayed. So, they went in and cut the bicpeps tendon, repaired the labrum and rotator cuff, and reattached the bicep tendon to it with a screw. It was a terrible process. I would not do it again and I urge anyone else to not have it done.

I would not say that I am injury prone. I just do everything very aggressively and it causes me harm sometimes.

L said...

Great stuff....

I am most intrigued by the SF match-up as I don't see either running AT ALL during the game. In fact I find it highly likely we will lose both before the end of the game.

The Bear said...

Um, how am I ranked below the guy who can't even run? Why is my defense always overlooked, you know Bruce Bowen had his jersey retired right? Butz, remember when I forced you into a 1-12 performance? Yikes.

EJ is our fifth unless Millers recovery is farther along than I expect

Adam said...

Who is EJ? Earvin Johnson?

The Bear said...

Earnie Johnson

Adam said...

Who is Earnie Johnson? Need some bio/background info as well as height and athletic prowess.

L said...

And an understanding of why he doesn't spell his name right.

Guy who doesn't spell anything right

marcspoke said...

i can run. just not like the wind coming out of chambone's smoke infested lung sacs.

marcspoke said...

faaaak this wknd are belong to us.

BDub_210 said...

I believe I properly diagnosed your hyper extended elbow after said crash on moguls via extreme moutain dew nation weekend. Lubahn and I killed it on trivial pursuit.

Butz said...

Can we get updated attributes now that the game has been played?

I have felt terrible all day.

Adam said...

Today is the first day I can speak in complete sentences again.

marcspoke said...

update the stats!!!!

Butz said...

Anyone else have several unexplained bruises, the shakes and the bad idea to make Sunday the drunkest day of the weekend?

marcspoke said...

fuck monday sunday. fuck every day. i love but i hate that i love so awfully.

Faust said...

Those are the 2012 stats. Look for new stats in Lake Live 2013.

Did any one take pictures?

BDub_210 said...

Tons of unexplained bruises on my forearm. Also, please adjust my overall ranking.

Miller, how was Morton's? Your boy left his chanclas under the bunk bed.

marcspoke said...

why no stat update? that's chickenshit.

what are chanclas?

marcspoke said...

oh.. you cleaned up after me. great. anybody else wanna clear any arrears? clint? mazur? portillo? jiminy cricket?

i'm a real boy.

Adam said...

Exhibit A: Weiss finds unused condom in bed.

Exhibit B: Williams finds small boy's sandals under bed.

Exhibit C: Miller went with SOMEONE to a formal dinner at Morton's Steakhouse.

Exhibit D: Drunk Shawn Kemp had 26 steals.

Do the math people.

BDub_210 said...

Vanessa told me she found said Connie in my dopKit and decided to throw it on my person.

Adam said...

Still no confirmation of location of missing boy. He was last seen barefoot at Morton's with Miller.

marcspoke said...

i dont leave bodies behind.. too much evidence.

Adam said...

Final score was 21-16? (42-32)

Anybody think they can put together a stats sheet for the game?

North Texas Champs
AW: 12pts
AF: 10pts
MC: 6pts
BSL: 6pts
NB: 8pts

So Tex Non-Champs
KBF: 4pts
KD: 2pts
MM: 6pts
BW: 14pts
EJ: 6pts

The Bear said...

Ya, I deserve a 2 because I basically sat around with my thumb up my butt the entire game.

Adam said...

Is that sarcasm? What was your point total? I remember you laid in a deuce on the controversial Weiss out of bounds play.

The Bear said...

3 points, but you're right because defense doesn't mean shit in hoops - its all about the box score Carmelo

The Bear said...

What was your shooting percentage MELO?

Adam said...

Only differences between Melo and myself is that Carmarshallow nevers wins. We did. Again.

Better luck next year!