Thursday, June 21, 2012

South Park

I worked on this all day and it looked like actual work.


Adam said...

These are pretty excellent.

From Left:
Brown (vampire fetish)
Miller (furry, disheveled)
Chambers (gruff, smoky)
Bear (Bear)
Faust (Trendy, slack-jawed)
Lubahn (Headset, Grin-Fraud)
Mazur (Gold Chain, legless)
Butz (Flowing sun-kissed hair, happy face)
Portillo (Unibrow, misplaced irony shirt)
Weiss (Scarfy, Italiany)
Williams (Overdressed, clownface)

11 for 11?

Faust said...

You got a B-

You only missed 2.

BDub_210 said...

Switch your Butz/Miller picks and 100%?

Great work Adam!

Faust said...

Ding ding ding! You are correct!

Adam said...

I can see that, though Butz hasnt had a beard in a hot minute (wigger term). Miller's guy does look too stoned for a Butz model.

Butz said...

This is great work. I appear to be in distress, which is often accurate.