Monday, July 30, 2012

"The Best Beer"

I just thought of this question and then I immediately realized the complexity.  So, I'm bringing it to the blog to decide. This is not about choosing the most complexly-hopped 169 minute IPA. This is about the best beer anytime, all the time.  When thinking about your answer of "What is the best beer?" please keep the following parameters in mind.

•  This beer is good in any occasion
• This is your "dessert island" beer
• This is your beer for all seasons

  1. A beer will be considered if it is nominated and that nomination is seconded by a second party
  2. Any beer motioned and seconded will be lin the final vote
  3. You may petition, whine, clamor, spew venom, etc... for your beer
  4. If you nominate a light beer you are out of the IC effective immediately

"The Best Beer"


Faust said...

I nominate Shiner Bock.
I nominate Sam Adams, Boston Lager

Adam said...

George Killian's Irish Red?
Costa Rican Imperial is an unacceptable nomination.

marcspoke said...

coor's light

Faust said...

I will second Killian's Red.

The Bear said...

I 2nd Sam Adams Boston Lager.

- Bombshell Blonde
- Kronenbourg 1664
- Bud Light LIME

Faust said...

I second Bombshell Blonde, and think it might be my favorite to take the crown.

Butz said...

Magic Hat #9

Kick Bear out for the Bud Light Lime nomination, please. Even if it was a joke.

The Bear said...

Serious as a heart attack. Favorite lake house beer

The Bear said...

And I'll second your Magic Hat #9, thanks for introducing that. Have you drank it out of the orange can?

Adam said...

Anyone like Leffe? I had a Leffe Brown last night with din-din. I probably couldn't drink it daily, but Belgians make some good brew.

Faust said...

Speaking of the Flemish, I would like to nominate Stella Artois. I like Leffe, but I think it's like 8% alcohol content.

Butz said...

Bud Light Lime should not be a real thing. Awful. Just awful.

Also, I hate that quote of the week. A lady I work with has it under her signature line and she is a miserable human. The problem with the quote is that everyone thinks their battle is worse than the next person, when most people don't really even understand what it means to have hardship. I am apparantly in a dark place at present.

marcspoke said...

coor's banquet.

Faust said...

Any other nominations before we go to the polls?

Lee said...

Sam Adam's October Fest
Shiner Bock

Cannot be in poll:
killian red

Should be in poll:
Bud light lime
Michelle Jenneke's underboob sweat

William's: Is in a dark place

Me: my battle is worse than your's

marcspoke said...

coor's light... paulaner

Michael said...

lagunitas ipa is a beautiful beer for any occasion.

Faust said...

I second that.

Adam said...

I cannot vote on beers because I've never had Magic Hat nor can I recall taste of Bombshell Blond or Lagunitas. We dont get good beer here, thus, I am fighting a hard battle.

If I knew someone who had that quote beneath their email signature, I too would probably hate it. Compared to rest of world, none of our fighting hard battles. We are upper-middle class citizens of the richest country on the planet.

I will put up a dark quote for next week. Shiner Bock Nasty Dark.

Adam said...

read - none of us are fighting hard battles

Faust said...

I'm fighting a pretty hard battle of jock itch right now.

Michael said...

im fighting a hard battle with a chinese finger puzzle right now. i'm typing with my junk

Lee said...

Williams you live so far away in such an exotic place.

It is totally understandable that you have never had to joy of drinking a magic hat while reading the screen crawl announcing Priest Holmes retirement.

Fighting the darkest fight, i.e. minority suppression.

marcspoke said...

let's all go to honduras! budweiser!

Adam said...

I'm fighting a hard battle to decide between cous cous and chop suey for dinner.

Portillo is bitter because he went to Argentina for six months and ending up just drawing pictures on public walls to email back to Eleah.

Lee said...

You peeled the right banana there my friend.

Anonymous said...

There's a Houston brewery that makes a good beer. It's called karboch hopadillo IPA

Adam said...

Wow. A Chambers post! Thanks Beer.

Should we follow this with worst beer?

Keystone Black

marcspoke said...

second keystone black. the smell of it gives me std's.