Lee, you have a car bong? That's some serious commitment and I admire you for it.
I've only work-lunched about three times ever. Working on a beer buzz is hard. I did strip-club-lunch once as an intern in college because my Harvard-grad boss made me go with him. I smelled like whore all afternoon.
What is the worst thing you've done at work? My answer: Korvette.
3 beers at a Monday lunch seems aggressive.
That is why I thought it was post-worthy. I have also had the last 6 posts on the blog. I am getting a little concerned about our activity level.
Could the blog one day die?
We should qualify the question to ask how many drinks have you had at a work lunch where entertaining a client was not involved.
Where do bong rips in your car at lunch qualify?
My personal math would say,
1 Bong Rips = 4 Beers
At least.
Whose personal math would say:
1 BONG RIPS = 1 cup of coffee
Lee, you have a car bong? That's some serious commitment and I admire you for it.
I've only work-lunched about three times ever. Working on a beer buzz is hard. I did strip-club-lunch once as an intern in college because my Harvard-grad boss made me go with him. I smelled like whore all afternoon.
What is the worst thing you've done at work? My answer: Korvette.
One rip + cup of coffee = Mexican speed. Highly recommend on days where you don't have a lot going on.
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