$20 on a girl
Man, Michael Jackson was a f' lunatic. We're inducting tomorrow (Wednesday) so I will keep you posted. What is the best way to announce a birth?
Oh, and my kid already told me for his/her birthday they would like Lubahn to post the Spelling Bee!
Lubahn is a joke to me now. A bad joke. Like a Bazooka Joe joke from a stick of gum. http://www.google.co.cr/imgres?imgurl=http://www.iwatchstuff.com/2009/05/22/bazooka-joe-comic.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.iwatchstuff.com/2009/05/movierelated-news-items.php&h=273&w=450&sz=47&tbnid=6tJTia0HsNSliM:&tbnh=73&tbnw=120&zoom=1&usg=__AYxsppi2NyoIb_LO5qUqrZ7WorQ=&docid=0mbvEy-TnGCPhM&hl=en&sa=X&ei=GiMRUZn5E4qE8ATI0IGYDg&ved=0CE8Q9QEwBQ&dur=18676
I am not sure why they went to the effort to make him a gold prospector?
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$20 on a girl
Man, Michael Jackson was a f' lunatic. We're inducting tomorrow (Wednesday) so I will keep you posted. What is the best way to announce a birth?
Oh, and my kid already told me for his/her birthday they would like Lubahn to post the Spelling Bee!
Lubahn is a joke to me now. A bad joke. Like a Bazooka Joe joke from a stick of gum.
I am not sure why they went to the effort to make him a gold prospector?
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