Friday, May 10, 2013

Charlie and Martin Sheen Beat MJ in Hoops?

How cool were the 80s?


Faust said...

This is amazing. How is this real?

Adam said...

I really dont know, but man, true gold. Also, Charlie Sheen is an 80% free-throw shooter?!

Stunned to find this on this morning. Guy writing blog/story ended it with this line:

"There is SO MUCH HERE — Michael Jordan drove a Volkswagen Golf? Michael Jordan drove a Volkswagen Golf. — just watch it."

Butz said...

Can this possibly be real?

Adam said...

Pretty tough to beat MJ at Horse.

L said...

Is that rim lowered?

Michael said...

Why are there only 78 people at this event?

The Bear said...

This is amazing. I bet MJ is still pissed

marcspoke said...

love proper shorts.