Wednesday, May 08, 2013

I love this dude

And I love the old school SA hat represented by a member of his possy.

This guy is a fucking man.


Adam said...

Honest question: You laughing with him, or at him?

Seems like there is now a niche market for 15-minute of fame funny black commentary interviews from the hood (like Antoine Dodson). This dude will get a reality show or his auto-tune song will make him a couple thousand$$.

The Bear said...

I'm not laughing at him! I'm 100% serious - this guy freaking rules. And please do not compare him to Antoine, this dude assisted in saving 3 kidnapped women. The dude is a man. So absolutely laughing with him.

Did you see him wink at Anderson at the end? Great story teller!

L said...

I would not compare him to Antoine either....that guy was awful.

My phone don't work, go over to the neighbors!

Butz said...

I am laughing at him. He has been arrested for domestic abuse a few times also.

Butz said...

This is a true story. This guy is now the manager for this rapper:

Not a joke. Real.

BDub_210 said...

Faust, can you do a side by side of Charles Ramsey and Master Sho Nuff from the last dragon?

Faust said...

Re: Williams point, I was thinking the same thing as I saw Charles Ramsey for the first time. My first impression of Mr. Ramsey- this guy is playing to the camera- he's eating up the attention- who can blame him (he lives in Cleveland)? I'm not faulting him-this was his big moment and he certainly earned the right after saving those girls. I am also 95% confident he was stoned.

Black people intrigue white people. There is no purer example of this phenomena than our own Brent Lubahn.