Wednesday, June 26, 2013


Adam said...

Wow. This still holds up 12 years after we were initiated into the illustrious Lambda Chi Alpha chapter at Texas Christian Univ. It's a good story and pretty well written in a state of delirium.

I like that Haverty is the devil and you played chess with him.

marcspoke said...

haverty is a codfish..something like the incredible mr. limpitt (sp?)

kev, please go into great detail wrt this note. its golden.

Butz said...

Solid gold.

marcspoke said...

should we create the inner sanctum of the circle? an inner inner innards circle? open

Faust said...

This is really quite amazing. You were 100% coo-coo bird. Why did you write Adam? Was that an exercise or did you feel Adam had the best chance at helping you?