Monday, October 14, 2013

I know its a video (vid-joe) but I haven't spoken for some time now. This is also for Mazur and his undyiing love for Weezy! Viva la blog!


BDub_210 said...

First video post on a mac. No formatting required.

Adam said...

That is solid. Put my dick up in a wasp's nest.

BDub_210 said...

Super talented. I reccomend you YouTube his Denzel vs. Will Smoth audition tape.

The Bear said...

Did you watch this on the BET network?

BDub_210 said...

That's borderline racist. Over your head Bear. He is mocking/imitating Lil' Wayne. Show is Sway in the Morning on Shade 45. Change it up Bear, wake up with Sway in the am. Shake things up.

BDub_210 said...

Side note: Kevin's favorite WR is Riley Cooper

The Bear said...

That's not racist, it was a very serious question.

The Bear said...

So now if a white person doesnt like BET network they are a racist? Im tired of 'white guilt'.

BDub_210 said...

RTVF major, does that look like a television set?