Saturday, February 22, 2014

Williams is now goth

Williams is goth.
Eye liner, sleeveless anarchy shirt, doc martin's with red shoelaces , pierced cheek , self mutilated forearm scars, totes a jansport backpack with "cannibal corpse" written on it in white out, plays asian video games, has grown a pony tail, talks like he's batman, jacks off to jaba the hut, walks around with a sword, tells people he can levitate, french kisses human sized dolls, baths with the tarantulas of WestlLowden and sleeps in the crawl space of Vega.

Just wanted yall to know


The Bear said...

Im not all that surprised by this. He kind of looks like a Criss Angel wanna be.

BDub_210 said...

Jam sport with "Cannibal Corpse" in white out made me pee pants

marcspoke said...

is his ego super inflated now that he has cornered theonion's mkt in cr?