This article really struck me. The author addresses some things that have been floating around in my mind but I wasn't fully aware of until I read this article. I'm sure everyone's opinion will vary.
(This was published before all the recent domestic violence issues)
Entertainment is the reason we watch any sport. With all the bullshit in this world, sports are a nice distraction for mankind. Football specifically is extremely entertaining to a lot of people. Fantasy football is one of the main reasons I watch most NFL games now. There is really nothing wrong with being entertained and caring about something that means nothing in the grand scheme of things. Fuck all the bullshit in this world - terrorism, economy, national debt, etc.. I don't want to care about that, that shit is depressing...
Ok ok ok.. the article really isn't about why we watch sports... just had to get that out of me. In pertaining to this article, I actually somewhat agree with the author. Football has become too violent and my mindset on the sport has changed significantly after watching the PBS Frontline program "League of Denial". My solution is simple.. And this might sound crazy but think about it. Take the helmets off. Helmets were initially used in football as protection, it has now become a weapon. By eliminating helmets, or going back to the leather style, then players will definitely be more cognitive of how they are tackling. You don't hear about this problem in Rugby, a sport much older than football.;_didn%27t_read
ffl and the same reasons the romans went to the coliseums.
why are we still reading esquire?
oh well, at least they redeem their peacockery at their cable tv division and play american ninja roman warrior ur day.
I agree with your second paragraph more than the first, Kevin. I think taking off the helmets is actually a reasonable idea. One I assume will never happen- like a pitch clock in baseball for which I am also in favor.
I know you don't like Esquire. But, I think it's pretty damn well written.
you should read more stuff.
You are right. I don't read enough.
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