Tuesday, March 20, 2007

bear we love you because you're a rockstar....

...you can dance....

....but most of all because you're a BEAR......


I would just like to say that I love everybody here, true friends indeed.

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Sunday, March 11, 2007

Due to excessive lengths and a waning battle series, it's been decided that fights are shortened to crown the eventual winner and remove the Blog pause stemming from the series. That said, buckle up for dollar signs and corporate chaos in
These two fiananciers have a deep rooted history and, though from the same hometown of Guadalajara, Texas, they didn't cross paths until locking horns as Business School rivals in Harry `Potatoes' Echols Operational Managament course at `THE' TCU. Though their firey academic competitive rivalry boiled at 9:30 on Tu/Th, the real friction brewed at the location of today's fight: The legendary, revered, loved and thoroughly longed for: West Lowden Estates.
How the fight came to be: After a long day of cramming for Echols midterm, though Matt Lopez gave them the scantron answers two days prior, Clinton and Michael Texas T-Rex calmed their nerves with a few rips from an old deceased friend, Baby Blue Bong. After stoning themselves silly, Michael rummaged in the fridge and found the last remaning CockRoach and lettuce sub. T-Rex devoured the sub and washed it down with a full bladder of Franzia, that had an expiration date of 1987. Clinton, a tad peaved with the consumption of the last cockroach, was fortunate enough to find a tarantula bar, which appeased his appetite.
However, it was then the quarrel erupted.
When Clintonian returned to his lair, he found a drunken T-Rex looking at his chest in Clinton's full-length mirror. As T-Rex pounded on his chest, he turned to Clintonian's bed side table and, without asking, slurped down the remains of a Brown Midnight Special: Chocolate Milk!! Knowing that no chocolate syrup remained, Brownie tried to grab the beverage to salvage a sip. However, when he did, the remaining Choco-Lactose spilled, coating Clint's nightime thriller ``Blade 9: Vampires Gone Wild''. T-Rex, knowing how incensed Clintonian would be, quickly turned to the computer to play the Jimmy Eats World classic ``Sweetness''. However, when he hit play, an unclosed Anime porn site popped up. Not only was Brown enfuriated at the porn selection of the hairy roommate, but, as Sweetness played Clinton yelled ``This song isn't on the MONSTER BALLADS ALBUM!!" At this point, T-Rex dropped, did two push ups and stood to face the wrath of Brown, the Stock Annihilator...
Clinton turned and looked at T-Rex, who, in terror, yelled ``MOM!!?'' to summon A-Chub from his patio-garden room. Unfortunately, A-Chub was busy plugging in cheat codes on Grand Theft Auto 3 and was too engaged to assist. Brownie then swung around, grabbed his bottle of LA Looks and doused Mazur's barren chest. Mazur, pleased to have a lube to accentuate his pectorals, began rubbing the gel and saying ``Ohh, you like that little kangaroo, don't you? Kangaroos like muscles, don't they janitor boy?'' Clintonian, confused by this, swiveled around again and grabbed his TI-83, which he threw at T-Rex's head, striking him and drawing first blood. T-Rex then yelled ``Now it's gettin' hood Monkey Blood!'' and quickly pressed play on Coldplay's ``Trouble'', Clinton's least favorite West Lowden jam. Brownie covered his ears in terror and Michael grabbed a comb and destoryed Clinton's impeccable hair, thus weakening the Annihilator, a la Samson. While Brown stood frazzled, T-Rex darted to his room and took his black-and-white still photos from his wall. As Clint charged down the hall, hair a mess, T-Rex began yelling ``Look, Art! Art! Art!'' Because Art is abstract and requires unquantifiable appreciation, Clint shrieked and retreated back in terror to his room. To avoid the charging, art-yielding T-Rex, Clinton wisely snuck through the connected closets, entering the patio layer of A-Chub. T-Rex, realizing he could go through the kitchen to meet Clint, darted the other direction. However, Brownie, again wisely, opened the inside window from the Patio Lair and threw six A-Chub bed tarantulas onto T-Rex. Before T-Rex could react, the tarantulas ate his leg flesh, leaving him with only bones. Clinton, thinking this was victory, cackle-laughed and sat in the den to watch the movie Heat for the 73rd straight day. Brown did not anticipate however, that though T-Rex's leg flesh was gone, his legs were now actually bigger! Encouraged by his new leg strength, T-Rex spotted Pterodactyl the cat scampering across the floor. With one quick volley, T-Rex kicked Pterodactyl onto Brown's face. Pterodactyl attacked Brown, clawing his face and, when done with him, took a viscious yellow diarrhea on his face. It looked like the end of Brownie, and Mazur went to celebrate with Portillo, who was in Clint's room, looting his closet and trying on his clothes. However, Clint, losing consciousness, got a small taste of the yellow doo-doo, and like Popeye is to Spinach, Clint is to Yellow excrement. This revitalized Clint. Brown then slyly snuck into Mazur's room and removed all of his tidy-whiteys from his drawers. Cackle-laughing, Clint ran outside with all of Michael's underwear, which he planned to donate to the Brite Divinity students. However, as Clint exited, a police light shone in his eyes and yelled `You with the underwear, Don't MOVE!'' Hearing this, T-Rex, Portillo, Mitchell, Pterodactyl, 128 cockroaches, 9 tarantulas, Andrew Olson, some girl from the Keg and A-Chub came running outside. It was there that T-Rex made his wisest move. As T-Rex exited onto the porch of West Lowden, he jumped on the Electro-Motor Scooter. He rode the scooter out into the yard and grabbed the undies from Clint. Laughing and yelling ``Kasalinghounmippie!'' he turned and looked back at Clint, unfortunately, an unidentified car was parked in front of the home. T-Rex slammed into the bumper of the car and lay sprawled out on the hood. Unexpectedly, a McCaro brother showed up on the scene and started rubbing T-Rex's groin. Clint began to cackle and ran with Mitchell to watch the molestation. However, as Brown and Mitchell ran to the scene, a 38-wheel cement mixer pulled onto the street. Everyone gasped and a loud crunch was heard. As the truck pulled away, only Mitchell emerged on the other side of the street. Clint was run over. His corpse was then deposited into the back of Kurt's truck, where Clint was laid to rest with Jon Edmonson, who died from Mole-aria and Air Conditioner vomiting. Though T-Rex was molested, Clinton Annihilator was dead, thus meaning...Mazur `Texas T-Rex' MOVES ON TO FACE WILLIAMS in ROUND 2, which is most anticipated matchup in tourney history!!
Oh, and this has 8 million inside jokes, but all are damn good stories of the glory days.
I like this tournament.

Thursday, March 08, 2007

Alrighty here's where to send drugs, alcohol, black market body parts, small arms and munitions, asian whores, fanmail etc. :

LCPL Miller, Marc T.
UNIT 40544
FPO AP 96426-0544

from what i gather mail can take anywhere from ten days to a month. don't be surprised if you go a month, maybe longer, hopefully way less, without hearing from me. the aforementioned are taboo, faux paux, not pc, in extremist muslim no-separation-of-church-and-state land so use cunning, ambiguity, and disgression, all at the same time, if sending.



Wednesday, March 07, 2007


On my lunch break from my rigourous two-day-a-week schedule I was relaxing at a little cafe. I had a coffee and a cheese and tomato panini while I read the battle-of-the-bong. She came from the shadows with a baby in each hand. As I looked up she had thrown one of the babies high in the air and I dove to catch the gypsey baby girl just before she hit the ground. (as Miller and Lubahn can attest my hands are as supple as Art Monk's). Then I looked up and saw the other baby was already on his perilous way down. I placed the girl down in a basket of fish and chips (I also ordered that as a snack) and snagged the boy before he fell into my bangers and mash (sausage and mashed potatoes- a little dessert).

By this time the gypsy had made a move for my laptop but luckily my friends Oliver and Clive were there to stop her. Unfortuantely they were too weak to stop her and merely said in a stern voice, "Pardon me, but would you mind buggering off!" This is when she settled for the phone and dissapeared into thin air.

Piper and I are now raising two gypsy chlidren.... Avocado and Glove.

I got gyped.

Friday, March 02, 2007

Duh, dun, dun, dun, duh...
The day has arrived young Jedis. Today is the day, the day that decides who takes their finger off the carb and clears the lurking smoke remaining from:
This is the 4 VERSUS 9 matchup.
Let's take a look at the pre-fight notebook.

The media is buzzing around the 4-seed Kevin McSupercalves, the dark bear in this tournament. Known for his peaceful, calm demeanor, McSupercalves has warned opponents not to underestimate his agressive switch, which is most visible in his rippling Sequoia trunk legs or when Rex Grossman throws 4 first half INTs.
McSupercalves has been lax in his preparation for this fight. Here's a clip from an interview this week. (Cut to video of McSupercalves. He is wearing a Urlacher jersey, sitting in his room with only the black light on. He is listening to Dark Side of the Moon and watching SportsCentury: 85 Bears)

Suzy Kolber: So, McSupercalves, do you fear B-Dub? Apparently he's been training extensively for the fight.
McSuper: Shutup bitch. This is my favorite line on the album. (singing/grumbling) ``New car, caviar, four-star dream. Think I'll buy me a football team.'' (that's a real lyric)
Suzy Kolber: McSupercalves, can we talk about the fight?
McS: Fight? It's freaking Weiss. He's fragile. That guy is weaker than dirty schwag. Seriously, I'm just gonna show up high, beat him in NCAA 2007, smoke, and then watch the Spurs.
Suzy Kolber: What about the fight though?
McS: Do you like the Bears?
Suzy Kolber: Sure, their... (cut off)
McS: Than shutup and watch this clip of McMahon. That guy is so rebelious.
(Enter Ginger, who mauls Kolber. Then, Kevin and Ginger eat her body)

His opponent and long-time friend, Brian, B-Dub, (s)Weiss Cheese, does not carry a lot of clout and is not anticipated to put up much of a fight against his hearty opponent. B-Dub admits to being gun-shy after his Rodney King episode in late December, however, he has been training to avenge his assailants, running and wrestling daily with his blue-skinned trainer Gino.

(Cut to Weiss/Gino Mike Tyson Punchout type montage. Weiss runs with a headband on and bball shorts through Arizona cacti. Weiss falls in cacti and grimaces in pain. Gino, no advocate of sympathy, bites B-Dub's curly locks and pulls him through the cacti, barking at him with a dubbed Mr. Miagi voice saying `Get up B-Dub-Son'. The montage then cuts to B-Dub training on a treadmill. He is sweating and struggling. Gino levitates in front of him, holding a bag of dro and box of clorox to tempt B-Dub. The montage ends with Gino humping the now tone leg of B-Dub. They laugh, and, as a 1-uper, B-Dub humps Gino's leg, as if to say `thank you' for all the training. Close montage)

Fight History
This fight started in 2004, when B-Dub and McSupercalves decided it was `grow-up' time and moved out of their Lubbock St. campus friendly home. It was a very traumatic day, but, with emotions riding high, they both entered the living room at the same time. The house was entirely empty, except for the foosball table and, in the center of the living room, a long, sleek, blue bong, with a freshly loaded bowl of hydroponics. They both approached it and put their hands on it simultaneously. After a long staredown, weed-anger overcame both of them and then...

The fight starts as expected, with Bear grabbing Weiss by the hair. Bear/McSupercalves then, still holding Weiss's Froto Baggins locks, picks him up and begins to swing him around in the air. As he does, he begins to sing `Bear Down, Chicago Bears'. McSuper then opens the front door and hurls Weiss 200 yards onto to the top of the MJ Neeley School of Business. Bear then returns to bong and sits indian-style as he prepares to smoke. As he pulls the lighter from his Chicago Cubs hoody, the phone rings. It Katie Clay, calling to admit she kissed Adam Williams again. Meanwhile, Weiss regains consciousness atop of the buidling when he hears the beats of his favorite Liberian-Greenland rapper/crooner, MC Martian. He awakes inspired, however is still 40 feet atop a building and his pale skin is beginning to burn. As B-Dub looks down from the edge of the building, Gino stares at him from the base of the building. Gino then levitates up to B-Dub. Gino barks ``We must prevail B-Dub-son''. Weiss then jumps on Gino and, a la The Neverending Story, flies across Fort Worth and then returns to the door of their Lubbock Street home. Bear answers the door and looks down at Gino. As Bear goes to pet Gino, Weiss viloently knees Kevin in the head. Kevin stumbles back and calmly says ``Ow''. Miffed by Kevin's strength, Weiss darts to the foosball table and picks up the foosball balls. As Kevin runs into the gameroom, Weiss throws the ball at Kevin, which misses, hits the wall and bounces back to strike Bear in the CALF. Ahhhhh! Kevin yells in agony, as the ball punctures his hot-air balloon calves and Kevin crumples to the ground face first. With the open wound from his calves exposed, Weiss picks up the foosball table and prepares to hit Bear with it. But, as he turns back to Bear, two families of five crawl out of his calves. Apparently, in a freak genetic inicident, two families of five had learned to thrive and flourish in his calves;The Hendersons and the Buckets. Because they are so small, Weiss replaces the midfield players on the foosball table with the Hendersons and Buckets. Years down the line, B-Dub will make millions from this creation. Nonetheless, as Weiss teaches the Hendersons and Buckets the rules of the game, Bear awakes, however, lacking support from his calves, is no longer a Bear, but a flamingo! The flamingo then attempts to attack B-Dub, who quickly casts the spell of Sleep on the Flamingo. The Flamingo has fallen asleep. Gino levitates into the room and tells B-Dub-son ``Finish him''. B-Dub grabs a headband and begins to wrap it around the Flamingo's neck, however, as the flamingo loses breath, Weiss's true nemesis AB, enters the home and begins to smoke the fresh bowl. B-Dub, enraged, enters the room and high kicks AB's head off. Gino then runs to AB's head and, with a box-cutter, carves a bong from AB's skull. B-Dub, so pleased to have killed his nemesis, returns to the gameroom and chants the spell of ``Gentle Bear'' on the Flamingo. Kevin is returned in full form, calves and all. Then, as a show of peace, the two smoke a bowl out of AB's head, the perfect finale to the Lubbock home. Ten minutes later, the two are stoned and decide to play one last game of foos. Weiss takes the Buckets and Bear, the Hendersons. Tied at 8, Weiss plays the ball back to his goalie, who passes to Brian Bucket, who rifles a goal into the corner. As the ball crosses the goalline, Bear vanishes and Gino appears. He looks at Brian and declares ``You have prevailed young salmon''. In the first stunning upset of the tournament B-DUB and SENSAI GINO WIN and will move on to play PORTILLO in the BATTLE OF THE EYEBROWS.
Weiss's winnings go to the CWAGA? (Can't We All Get Along?) foundation.
Bear's winnings go to CBTC - Chicago Bears Tailgating Committee.
See you soon, Tyler Derden

Friday, February 23, 2007

The long awaited
Let's take it one fight at a time. Everyone chime in with other versions of the fight and an official vote on who you think would win...
This is the 3 versus 10 matchup. Let's take a quick look at the fighters before we get into the action.

Lee Matthew Portillo, a feisty middleweight from San Antonio, Texas, credits his scrappy fighting technique and gruff disposition to being ridiculed in his youth for his premature bearding (age 9), 19 second `Uuuuuummmm'' pauses and st-st-st-stuttering p-p-problems. B-b-but as Lee states, `What ddddoes not kkkkill me, 0nly made me, uuuuuuuuuuuummmmmmmmmmmmmmm, stronger.'

Brent Scott Lubahn, a delicate featherweight from Minnesota, says his love for fighting is more from a promotional standpoint, as he claims he would rather be the one instigating a clash than participating in one. However, for today's exception, BS Lubahn says he has spent extra time training, dedicating a daily 30 minutes of shin roundhouses to his wife, son and dyslexic dogs. Also, in preparation for the fight, Brent has downed a bottle of 6$ red wine to redden his teeth, making him look rabid, and has swallowed 4 shots of Southern Comfort to alleviate his social awkwardness.

The controversy between these two stems from the ``Great Plate Debate'' of late 2003. BS Lubahn cowardly claims that former friend and roommate Lee stole his K-Mart plastic Moose plates, which Melissa plastered and painted and Atilla peed on. Portillo states he is innocent of plate theft, but guily of pleasuring himself on Brent's computer and rancor odor. Today, the Plate Debate will be shattered, forever...

FIGHT LOCATION: Where their friendship was forever altered: 4724 Trail Lake

The fight opens in the front yard, with Brent nabbing the first blow, as he pointed down the street and asking `Is that Eleah?' Portillo turned and Lubahn struck Lee's shin with a volley to the shin. OUCH! Lee grabs his shin and Lubahn slaps Lee in the face, causing his recently fixed teeth to fly into the street. Enraged, Lee stands and fright overcomes Lubahn, who runs behind the immovable 4724 stump. Portillo, blinded by rage and faltering $2 sunglasses, charges Lubahn, only to fall in the infamous 4724 hole, which Lubahn covered with a plate. Portillo's fall leaves him writhing in pain. Lubahn laughs, but, as his confidence grows, the Trail Lake homeless skateboarder pulls into the driveway. Lubahn is terrified and runs into the house, turning off all the lights and hiding under his sheets, which are marred by Bailey's chewmarks. Outside, the Trail Lake skateboarder and Lee befriend one another and speak of their drifter adventures and Nietzche's existentialism. The skateboarder gives Portillo mushrooms in exchange for Lee's teeth fillings. The skateboarder then boards a Greyhound and heads south to Buenos Aires. Saddened by the exit of a true soul, Lee rings the firehouse-alert doorbell. Brent sneaks out of the backdoor, grabs a tiki-torch and approachs Lee from behind. Lubahn whacks Portillo in the back, but the magic mushrooms have created a shield around Lee, which electocutes Brent, sending him flying back into the garage door. As he falls, he lands on the far brick wall of 4724, creating a HUGE dent in the bricks, thus resolving another long-lasting 4724 saga. Portillo then walks to Brent's body, puts it over his shoulder and walks to the Oui. There, Lee meets and hits on a 40-something woman and Lubahn remains passed out on a stool. Melissa walks in with Stadler, Dana and the crew. Melissa is steamed to find Brent passed out in public again. Stadler says `He must have drank his dinner!'' While he laughs, Portillo turns and rips off Stadler's head and beats Dana to death with it. Yes! Yes! Yes! Portillo, now drunk, takes Lubahn over his shoulder again and walks to Kevin and BW's house to get high. When he arrives, he places Lubahn on the ground and puts a stereo by his passed out head. Portillo then goes and plays `See who can eat grass' with Bear, thus exhausting Portillo. Lubahn awakes and walks into the front yard, where he finds Portillo on the porch. He surprises Portillo with a shin kick, putting Lee on the ground. Lubahn repeatedly kicks Lee, looking as if he will win the fight. But, as if a gift from God, Lee sees a box of PanBurger lying on the ground. He crawls to it, pours it into his mouth and jumps to his feet. Lubahn, again scared, turns to run, but Lee, a la San Diego hotel night, Wolverine jumps on Lubahn. Taking off his shirt, Lee begins rubbing his `chest vest' on Lubahn's face. Lubahn is squirming but, as he considers conceding, sees Bailey running towards them. He calls frantically `Bailey! Come Here girl! Bailey!'' Unfortunately for Brent, when Bailey arrives, she does not assist, simply grabs Lubahn's shoes and chews them visciously. As second degree burns develop, Lubahn gives up, granting victory to Portillo. The two get up and, in a true show of camaraderie, return to Trail Lake, get high and watch Reno 911. They eat toast and chimichanga's on, what else, the missing Moose plates.
Lee dedicates his winnings to the `Katie Clay Japonais' foundation.
Brent, who was compensated in hearty steak soup, dedicates his winnings to the `AARD: Adoption Agency of Retarded Dogs' foundation.
Portillo moves on to face the winner of THE BATTLE OF THE BONG

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Williams is doomed!

McDonald's is contemplating all-day breakfast.....

Adam "The Bee Keeper" Williams - 2008

Thursday, February 15, 2007


With another reunion on the horizon, it's time to get the ol' Blog kicking again. That said, with much talk about fighting, it's tourney time. Graphic Design team Faust will post an NCAA tourney style bracket the pits members of the IC in versus mode.

The tenative seeding is as follows:

1. Marcus Arelius Miller - AKA No Limit Solja
2. A ``The Incredible Pudgy Hulk' W
(Both 1&2 seeds receive byes into the second round. If you want to debate that, well, don't. We'll beat your brains in)

First Round Action:

3 Seed: Lee `Japonais Chimichanga' Portillo VERSUS 10 Seed Brenton `Daddy Shin Kick' Darling.
- Portillo's fatality is petty theft (plates, cell phones, clothing, floss)
- Lubahn's fatalities are a Phone call and/or a Shin roundhouse


4 Seed: Bear `Rhino Calves' Dalrymple VERSUS 9 Seed: Brian `Arizona Crackti' Weiss
- Bear's fatalities are: a quick-witted Blog post, a `who kissed Katie' ass-kick, or making his opponent eat grass
- BW's fatality is injecting clorox into his opponents eyes or sensitive Message board defaming of his opponent
* BW is a dark-horse considering his partner is a blue-skinned flying Italian Dingo


5 Seed Clint `Stock Any-ihilator' Brown VERSUS 8 Seed: Mikey `Texas Tea-Rex' Mazur
- Brown's fatalities include: Poisoning via Hair gel called the ``LA `don't' Look'', the 5AM wake-up call and, of course, the Yellow Stress-Induced Cleveland Steamer
- Mazur's fatalities include: The Pec flex to ya neck, The Scream of Terror that erupts your eardrums and the Excessive Insult, which crushes opponents souls


6 Seed Adam `0 and 8 Mate' Faust VERSUS 7 Seed Matt `Mutilating Mariner' Chambone
- Faust looks to get off the fight snide and earn his first victory with such fatalities as: Second Hand Lung Punch, The Vesuvius, where he violently tirades you unexpectedly, and/or Torture Tears, where after he listens to The Erotic Shoelaces album, he hurls poison tears at your skull.
- Chambone's fatalities include: The Rubber Band Strangler with his 41 wrist bands, the Chin Beard Rug Burn and Adderol Asphixiation, where he focuses for 11 hours on choking his opponent.

Let the games begin. Faust add pics.

Williams, get a life.


Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Happy Valentine's Day

As those of us who prepare for this bullshit of all bullshit holidays I was curious what you guys are thinking of doing for your loved ones? Piper does not recognize this holiday and agrees it is commercialized crapola.... I still probably have to get her a card or something, right?

Skip the fancy dinner and flowers and try and be novel. Maybe a pig's heart wrapped in looseleaf paper? Or take a drive out to a romantic hilltop and fuck her in the asshole.

And to our single men's club...what are your plans. Especially now with no Booya7 to strike you with cupid's hard-on. This day may seem especially difficult without it.

It is truly a stupid day.

Friday, February 09, 2007

I wrote this for a radio station this morning. It is long yes, but I'd like to hear my bois weigh in.

In the era of me-promoting, where YOU was named Time’s Person of the Year, Anna Nicole Smith’s death is undoubtedly the apex headline in the world of the undeserving famous. It was unsurprising, and yet disturbing, to find Anna Nicole’s picture atop media outlets throughout the country. My question is, `Why are we so compelled to discuss a figure who sacrificed her soul for our attention’? Why is this person, ridiculed for her shallow existence, worthy of our discussion? I find the answer to be fame, which although we may not admit, has established itself as maybe the number 1 ambition in our culture.
Look at our television programs: American Idol, Beauty and the Geek and the Surreal Life. It seems that we, as a people, are willing to subject ourselves to humiliation and ridicule simply to be known, not for talent, but for our disregard for self. These hollow characteristics were Anna Nicole Smith. Her life was an immoral sacrifice to attain money, recognition and fame. And yet, because of her despicable behavior, she was glorified, thus completing her lifelong objective of fame. My parting question is: Do we not have the presence of mind to ignore such soul-sacrifice? Or, is there a part of us that, deep down, maybe wish that we too could have what Anna Nicole did have: Fame.

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

On a boat in Trinidad and Lubahn calls. Lubahn calls no one and when he does...wait he doesn't. I asked him if it was an emergency. He said no so I told him I had to work and hung up on him. We are friends.

P.s. I didn't have to work.

P.s.s. I'm just kidding Lubahn.

Sunday, February 04, 2007

Ok, I'm going to be a dick. I think I'm a little biiter. Maybe because I am watching the Superbowl with British announcers. Could you imagine how anoying that is?

One of my roommates reminds me of Adam Stadler. He is actually much worse. He talk constantly even when he has nothing worth saying. he knows nothing about football. And these kind of people are miserable to watch the Superbowl with.

So, to entertain myself during the 2nd quarter I thought it would be fun to document how truly awful my roomate is.... word for word.....

"Have you seen the trailer for the Fantastic Four sequel?"

"Does your vagina hurt?"

12:30 AM

"Milk was a bad choice!" (from Anchorman)

"SUV commercials should have more hot chicks."

"Hey Stupid!"

"Peyton is tall. That helps him see more."

12:32 AM

"Do you want to do mushrooms this weekend?"

"Well, if not, then when?"

"Whatever, pussy."


"I'm going to see The Killers in Paris."

"I like!" (from Borat)


Falls asleep.... Wow, I didn't see that coming. My other roomamte just noticed and smiled. He didn't even make it to halftime. That's awesome. Now I can enjoy the game in peace. Cheers.

Saturday, February 03, 2007

Headline aimed as us?:

Bush puts 'ic' back in 'Democratic Party'

Made me think of friends. Hugs.

Bear Down.

Thursday, February 01, 2007

I am drunk you idiots. I love you guys the way any drunk friend loves his friends- wholeheartedly. And without proper discretion, without any fear of seaming over sympathetic or concerned. Becaus eI am concenred.

About Clint's hair being too wavy until it joins the Gulf of Mexico.
About Lubahn's baby growing thinking snakes are heavenly and doves are evil.
About Mazur making too much crude money and forgetting that he is a painter.
About Williams dizzying himself into oblivion.
About Weiss hiding in the desert until he wakes up in 2026.
About Portillo getting married to a wicked hot girl.
About Miller ending up on the cover of Time as "A Soldier's Story"
About Dalrymple if the Bears lose.

I am not concerned about Chambers. He will be fine.

There is love. It is quite real. Mazur has it. So does Brent. I'm sure Lee has something. I think I got it too. It's not like I thought. It is much cloudier. It is not red or white or blue. It is this cloudy orangish color. It is never fully distinguishable. It is there. Rght in fornt of you, but you can't quite touch it. You can feel it, but you can never hold it in your hand. That's why it is so mysterious.

I will pass out now.

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

The unfortunate day has come...............

Booya7 is no longer!

Williams is doomed..............

Round and Brown,

Monday, January 29, 2007

When I lived by a Mosque in FW, Mazur used to make remarks when we passed it as he took me home from work because I was so fat that the bench seat in my truck collapsed and all my tires went flat. I also ate my steering wheel.

Last week, I wrote some jokes for a radio station inspired by our resident `no boundaries' jokester. Here they are, and again, thanks Grand Dragon Mazur...

- Barrack Obama got his first taste of political smear tactics yesterday, as stories circulated that he attended a Muslim extremist school in Indonesia as a child. Obama denied the story on Dateline Aljazeera.

- Barrack Obama got his first taste of political smear tactics yesterday, as stories circulated that he attended a Muslim extremist school in Indonesia as a child. Though he confirmed he did attend an Indonesian school, he said he failed Pipe Bombing 101.
- Barrack Obama got his first taste of political smear tactics yesterday, as stories circulated that he attended a Muslim extremist school in Indonesia as a child. The Obama campaign smeared back, saying that Hilary Clinton lost her virginity at Muslim Extremist Woodstock.

Friday, January 26, 2007


For those still suffering from post-Chicago depression, I have a solution for you: Brian "B-Dub" Weiss, Marc "(Insert Millerism)" Miller, and Kevin "Myself" Bear all in Scottsdale, Arizona for a weekend of even more debauchery. As of now, no females will be joining us, and you know what that means,..... lots and lots of butt sex. Because these plans are kind of last minute, I am not expecting any kind of big reunion like Chicago, however, it might be best suited to call this gathering a sub-reunion trip. Think of it like Nicorette Gum - just a quick fix until the next big kick.

The date of arrival for both Miller and I is Friday, February 16 (Three weeks from today) and departure will be Monday, February 19. Even though this is last minute, Southwest Airlines does offer discount prices from now until next Friday (2 + weeks before flights), so it might be worth checking out. Scottsdale is supposed to be the place to be these days, and the weather this time of year is unbeatable. I have spoken to Weiss, and he concurs, the more the merrier. So book your flights, mark your calendars, and I will see you all in the desert!

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Today the assignment in class was to create a non-family tree with images or type. My British professer said try and not use people. But I had already begun to compile, designate, and navigate through who and how we were all connected. I chose each color specifically.

I want you to know that I am quite happy here in my first month. Piper and I are getting along well and being the only American in my class has been very cool.

I am reading a good book right now called, The Sportswriter.... and when I came across this sentence on the train tonight I knew I wanted to share it with all of you.

"The stamp of our parents on us and of the past in general is, to my mind, overworked, since at some point we are whole and by ourselves upon the earth, and there is nothing that can change that for better or worse, and so we might as well think about something more promising." - Richard Ford

I love you all very much. Good luck out there...

Saturday, January 20, 2007

This is the exact moment when Bear found out Katie gave Williams a little peck on New Years Eve....

Saturday, January 13, 2007

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

I know I post my stupid writings often, but these are somewhat of an exception. I hope that, throughout your day, when needing a cheap laugh, you'll stop by here to read a spoof story. Don't try to read them all in one sitting, for tired-head could occur. Also, I submitted them to Q101, a pretty money station here and they've been reading them in the morning. So smiles...
- Denver is the only US city that has not heard of the increased temperatures stemming from global warming. Most likely because they're under 19 inches of snow.

- After Monday’s 115-mph blizzard winds, only weeks removed from two devastating December blizzards, Denver citizens were seen doing a `Global Warming Dance’ to summon the alleged Earth warming wrath of 2007.

- In an interview Monday, Bears Linebacker Brian Urlacher confessed his concern with Sunday’s playoff game: ``Well, they have a lot of weapons,’’ Urlacher said, ``Like Shaun Alexander, Matt Hasselbaeck and Grossman.’’ A reporter answered ``But Grossman’s on your team’’, to which Urlacher asked ``He is?’’

- Still in a recovery phase after Hurricane Katrina, New Orleans residents were pleased to learn that the threat of killer bees was actually just a Wu Tang Clan reunion tour.

- Disney’s Tigger, who pimp-pawed a dorky 14-year old over the weekend, explained the battering by saying ``Thinking of all those years tormented by lame Christopher Robin really brought out the non-queer tiger in me’’.

- Governor Rod Blagojevich officially began his second term as Illinois Governor yesterday in Springfield. Despite investigations of wrongdoing, Blagojevich assured the audience he was a ``goodfella’’ and was ecstatic to be ``made’’ a second time.

- Jennifer Aniston and Vince Vaughn sat on the same row at the People’s Choice Awards Tuesday night. Sitting between them: an enormous pink elephant.

- It was rumored that actress Nichole Ritchey, who wears a size `Double 0’, was seen buying Fruit Loops yesterday afternoon. When asked if she was eating again in 2007 she replied ``No, I’m just buying some new belts.’’

- Johnny Depp appeared on the People’s Choice Awards via satellite to accept his Award as Best Male Actor. Depp was donning a velvety jacket and speaking in his new dialect: CoolMysterious-ish.

- Apple CEO Steve Jobs unveiled the new Iphone, which combines the Ipod, a cell phone and Internet access. Jobs also mentioned his idea for his next invention, the Idog, which combines the attributes of Lassie, Benji and Clifford in a Chihuhua’s body.

- The Malibu fires ravaged and destroyed the Oceanside home of actress Suzanne Somers, Tuesday. Just goes to show you that the old boy scout adage of rubbing two Thigh Masters together to start a fire really does work.
The Malibu fires ravaged and destroyed the Oceanside home of actress Suzanne Somers, Tuesday. Just goes to show you that Thigh Masters really does make you feel the burn.

- Reality show `Armed and Famous’ is set to premiere Wednesday night on CBS. The show stars Jack Osbourne, LaToya Jackson and Jason `Wee Man’ Acuna. In a late edit, the show has been re-named `Drugs, Surgery and Midgets’.

- Robin Williams won an award for comedy with the movie `RV’, which went directly to video. Williams, who salaciously rubbed Halle Berry and Queen Latifah on his way to the microphone, spoke for five minutes of his stint in rehab and his comedic influences. There was actually a point in the speech where, if you put your ear close enough to the TV, you could actually hear his career end.

- Queen Latifah hosted the People’s Choice awards Tuesday night. Queen, who was voted in by the 9 people who actually watched the awards, beat out Alf in voting 5-4. Alf did however appear via satellite from Melmac to accept his lifetime achievement award.

- Apple CEO Steve Jobs unveiled the new Iphone, which combines the Ipod, a cell phone and Internet access. Lacking on the Iphone however: common sense.

- 47-year old man, David Sullivan, was bitten by a scorpion Monday on his flight home from Chicago to Vermont. Sullivan, who apparently refused to put his tray table up while landing on an earlier flight, shivered in terror when he learned the scorpion’s name: Karma McTrayTable.
Apple CEO Steve Jobs unveiled the new Iphone, which combines the Ipod, a cell phone and Internet access. Jobs made mention of his next invention: the Iidea. Which is actually just the word `Idea’ on a post-it note. I just figured if Iput Iin front of Ianything, Iwould sell Ithousands. Im an Iidiot.

Monday, January 08, 2007

So, Lubahn and I don't talk much, but we like each other. Friday he calls and leaves a sincere message, and I return the call shortly. As expected, I don't hear from him again, as his four minute phone window had expired. Why Brent do you even own a phone? You live in a drawer.

So I ask, who in this group has the oddest phone habits? Who's are the best, who's are the worst?

A) Lubahn - High, scared, or eating toast, if it's not Melissa or a weed guy from Perotti's, don't waste your time leaving a msg.
B) Mazur - Expect an enraged, screaming burst of profanity and familially charged sacreligion around 2:15 on Saturday night. As for M-F, don't call between 5am and 11pm.
C) Poortillo, Poortillo, Poortillo - He's once, twice, three times a caller. When Lee wants you, he wants you like a kid named Broderick wants hot cheetoes. Can't pick up because you're at a funeral? Portillo considers all unanswered calls a screen, so he attempts to phone bully you to answer. Like Ferris Bueller trying to wake Cameron up, ``He'll just keep calling''. He'll also call high on midday Saturdays.
D) Chambers - It's 5:11 on Tuesday. Chambers is in traffic and your phone's ringing. Nothing makes the Bone more open for convo than a little Bumper-to-bumper. This may also account for his 19 accidents, including two counts of vehicular manslaughter on a mailbox and a girl named Tim.
E) Brown - Also a traffic caller, however better known for his intense bursts of conversation during work hours. Limit work hour calls to Brown to 3 seconds. Somehow, at the end of a wound up Brown convo, you're the one sweating. Call him at a calmer time, maybe post-``me-time'' which falls, well, pretty much anytime after he ``gets off'' work. Ewww...
F) Kevin - Given our rare phone convos, I'm needing more feedback from those who chat with you more often. You don't strike me as uber-phoney (not phony) but you're quick with the text. Due to job requirements, I assume your phone habits are business oriented, meaning they have a mission and, once accomplished, Peace Out.
G) Faust - You're probably on the phone right now. This guy is gabbier than your grandma at a peanuckel party. Put the coffee on and hit mute, Faust is calling. A consistent answerer and will leave guilt-inflicting messages to inspire a return call.
H) Weiss - Is it just me or does anyone else get Poltergeist Weiss voice when you call him in AZ? Due to a defect in his abode (also known as Trail Lake fever), when he talks to you from home, his voice cracks more than when we used to say ``nards''. He is, however, available at work, a solid listener and one hell of a model Eastern European American.
H) Millbone - ``I'm not much of a phone guy''. He's not, but the boy can text. He also doesn't get to the phone much due to his commitment to slaying Jihadian carrier pidgeons named Lance.
J) Williams - Usually a return rate between 65-85%, which in IC terms, is doo-doo-teronomy. He can gab, usually about only himself, and tunes out after inquiring about the other in the exchange. He's also a ``multi-talker'' meaning he often attempts to perform other tasks while talking, such as feed meerkats, shoot skeet (get it?), and shave MC Escher images into his chest hairs.

This was fun. Lubahn is the obvious worst, but, him excluded, who do you vote for? Let's discuss. Happy Monday IC.

Thursday, January 04, 2007

Wednesday, January 03, 2007


Well, I woke up Tuesday morning, and had a nasty stinging pain, in my head,
I'd drank the night away doing pony keg stands and smoking American Spirits, in my bed.

I looked around the Hilton and saw the remnants of a weekend with great friends,
Wondering what happened to Friday and why God made Monday come to an end.

I gathered my bag and stumbled out onto the elevator, a lonely drunk looking for a smile,
couldn't help but remember a dancing Bears tailgate and aimless walking on the Magnificent Mile.

As each floor descended, a weekend memory passed,
as I saw Michael laugh-humping Ashley, and felt angry Kevin, putting his foot into my ass.

As I walked into the foyer, alone and in stench,
I longed for Clint's giddy laugh and saw Miller mouth-spray us into a drench.

The El was no place to be a man in solitude,
where I could still feel Faust's charm, and wanted to hug Lee and say, `Hey, Sorry dude'.

I rounded the corner to my home, stopping suddenly, when I thought I saw one of my brethren,
sadly laughing to myself, knowing that I was the lone remaining member, of what had been a mighty Eleven.

I sat in my bed early that night, mourning the pain of the Tuesday evacuees,
and knew what we have is special, what we have here, as the mighty ICs.

Maybe tomorrow will be better, but here on Wednesday I still mope around,
from that empty, hollow feeling, of Tuesday Morning Coming Down.
When Boise St. beat Oklahoma on Monday night, it was one of the best moments I think in college football history. For years I have been preaching against the words "Non-BCS Schools", and this game helped me solidify my argument.

Thank you Faust for not letting me go to the bathroom on 4th and 18 (the play before the Hook and Latter).

Every college footbal fan NEEDS to read this article and commit, it is a MUST-READ:


Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Adam - Was there a pool at Japanaise?

Gentlemen, I will be the first to say it. I had a fucking great time this weekend. Certainly had its ups and downs but overall, couldn't have been much better.

I think the IC together on New Years needs to become an annual event. A tradition as they say here in Texas. While I probably won't be able to participate in the next one, unless it is in Argentina, I will definitely be at every one afterward. Any thoughts?

Tuesday, December 26, 2006


As part of the new "Flex Scheduling" on Sunday Night Football, NBC has announced its feature game will be the contest between the Chicago Bears and the Green Bay Packers. Therefore, instead of the 12 o'clock time, the game will be played under the lights of Soldier Field at 7:15 P.M.

The "Flex Schedule" (which was introduced this season), has had an enormous amount of positive feedback to fans all around the country. All fans,... except the ones who have plans to go to the game. Especially the ones who have been making New Year's Eve plans for the past 2 months, especially the Bears fans who (to them) are playing a meaningless Week 17 game! These fans are taking it right up the fucking ass! Instead of having a typical noon game in Chicago, with plenty of time to prepare for the New Year’s night, these fans are going to have to sit at Soldier Field until roughly 10:30 - 11:00 PM.

I am one of these fans, and my day has just been shifted by the flex schedule. That leaves me with questions.... Will I have enough time to get to the bar? Will the bar let me in? Will I be without everyone who I want to be with (besides k. clay) when the clock strikes 12???????

Any suggestions?

Monday, December 25, 2006

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Thursday, December 21, 2006

Dear Adam & Lee

I wish I cared. I wish I had a strong opinion (I usually do).

But I don't. I think you guys care/know more than any of us, and that's good, and you need to decide. None of us know GoodBar from SonicBoom, so it's hard for us to give educated opinions.

Based on this weeks posts you know how Brown, Mazur, Bear, and I feel (Miller will be happy with anything).

So get on the phone and make the best decision based on the information you have. And do it SOON. We would have a great time if were celebrating NYE in Athens, Georgia at a cock fight.

So you really can't screw it up.

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

My only friends. Let me bring up one last point of discussion. It looks like everyone is down for the Good-Bar. Can we get a vote here? Let me lay it out how I see it and I will bow the direction of the Group.

Bar 1
Hip hop Bar
$70 a ticket (90 is you buy solo)
Open bar 8pm to 2 am
Minimal cramming because they limit the amount allowed in

Bar 2
Electronic lounge (not techno or trance)
$ 50 a ticket
Open bar 8pm to 1 am
Minimal cramming because they also limit the amount of people allowed in

I vote Bar 2.

What is the group concensus?

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Talked to Williams. Forgive the confusion. 50 Dollars for a different place. So cheaper. It is a lounge/bar has an open bar for the 50 bucks and looks real nice.


I assume no one acted on Williams email. This place is central and should be fun. Anyone disagree?

We need to buy our tickets tomorrow or this week. I will do mine tomorrow and let eveyone know. Also I am down to get a table, cause it is a smaller place and I don't like to stand. :(

Is anyone down to do this with me? For a table for 18 (us plus eleah's friends) it is 20 a person. Please let me know all who does not like this idea or else I am going to pull the trigger so we can get all this fucking planning done with and get in the right spiritual mood to fully say bon voyage to our burger boy friend.
Alright Chicos, It's on. Good Bar. Open Bar 8-2 and the manager tells me ``everybody gets their own champagne bottle''. Signing up as a couple drops the price from 100$ to 75$ SO, if Eleah's friends are planning on attending, maybe sign up with them OR this 20-year old (yep) and her friends join, we should all get 75$ tix (including the staggies, Adam, Adam and Clinton).
Here is the site: http://www.goodbarnye.com/ Buy tix on paypal. 100$ or 75$ is a good deal for the food, open bar and champagne (No complaints, I'm a Roofer). He said in a bar with capacity over 300+, only 200-225 are in for NYE. Should be roomy...
In the wordz of tha hood: Let's get it!

Saturday, December 16, 2006

Who in the IC do you all think this would be (as a dad)? I know who I would vote for but I don't want to hate on him two posts in a row.

Friday, December 15, 2006

Williams, anything on Justin's? Its Lunds deal for $60. I definitely don't want to spend more than $75-100. In fact, I'd rather not spend more than $50 simply because I'm a maiser, often confused with Mazur, but not the exact same.
Alright Chicos,

1) How much is everyone willing to pay for NYE. I'd prefer $100 max, but, if need be, I'll call my mom for more money.

2) Here's the research I've done on NYE. I think we need to make a decision by MONDAY. Devote 6-10 minutes looking at these, then VOTE and I'll book it. I'm rich.

I like Fulton Lounge, Stone Lotus (expensive), Good Bar and Y Bar.

Lee, what do Eleah and her friends Kitten, Glitter, Luxury and Skateboard suggest?

Don't get mad. Those were for Mazur...





Cover? None?

75$ - I like Goodbar of the three options here

Greetings bitches. So here is the word I have so far on NYE. The best option I have heard is of a place called "Y Bar". (It stands for yamaka). Anyway its 220 a bottle of booze for a table per 4 people. So thats 55 a person plus tip with no cover. Can't beat that. What's your thoughts?
The Inner Circle

Bono, the lead singer of the band U2 is famous throughout the entertainment industry for being more than just a little self-righteous. He was playing a U2 concert in Glasgow, Scotland when he asked the audience for total quiet.
Then in the silence, he started to slowly clap his hands, once every few seconds. Holding the audience in total silence, he said into the microphone, "Every time I clap my hands, a child in Africa dies."
A voice with a broad Scottish accent, from near the front of the crowd, pierces the silence... ........

"Well, fukin stop doin it then!"

Thursday, December 14, 2006

The Inner Circle

So I'm online researching different methods used to pass a pre-employment drug test on a 4210.com blog on the subject and I'm finding various vitamin and H20 concoctions and recipes used to pass when I'm come across the following post by 'ok here it is':

"I have a foolproof way to pass a Drug test. Dont do Drugs!!!!!!! You Fucking Hippies!!!!! hahahahahahahahahahhahahahaha
Look at me I'm smoke tree...you look like an asshole you smelly dirty bearded hippies. You guys actually apply for jobs? Arent you guys all riding around the Mystery Machine travelling to the nearest forrest so you can Hug a Tree? Weed will NEVER be legalized you Cheech and Chong watching mother fuckers. Get over it. You're revolution is OVER. The BUMS LOST!!!!!!!!! My advice to you all is...they dont drugs test at Taco Bell
George W. Bush is GOD!"

I immiediately thought of Mazur and had to post.

Happy Holidays!

Monday, December 11, 2006



Friday, December 08, 2006

So this was found on Aaron Miranda's myspace page. Just thought I'd share.

Thursday, December 07, 2006


So I woke today to find the wind chill had dipped below zero, meaning a day inside for a day-laborer.

To pass the time, I'm dedicating the day to drawing up an intinerary for Chi-Chi. In doing so, I realized that nearly all bars/venues in Chicago require a $50-$1,000 entrance fee for New Years.

Upon reading this, I entered my closet and blew the dust from my least favorite pair of shoes: THE BLACK SHOES

Knowing that we have 3 blissful nights together here, I wondered, do my friends dread the Black Shoe galas as much as I do? Then, I had a memory images montage...

(Miller being fake arrested, Williams passed out on Bear's couch, Weiss snorting Windex flavored sawdust, Lubahn shin-kicking his pregnant wife, Mazur drinking Wild Turey and yelling Indian war-chants, Kevin sleeping in the Oui parking lot with a hamburger in his mouth, Chambers at a rave, Faust crying in his bathtub, Clint pooping yellow from Test anxiety and Portillo riding a motorized scooter into the hood of his friend's car 10-15 times)

It was when I emerged from this montage that I thought, NO... NO, we are not Black Shoe wearers. If we are anything, we are a group that does NOT try to be anything we are NOT.

I'm not sure where I'm going with this, but, in looking for venues to drown ourselves in camaraderie, excitement and, of course, love, I mean booze, I'm looking into pretty raw, pretty random, pretty accomodating, pretty relaxed venues. To me, that is more defining of the IC than a button-down, Banana Republic, hair-gelled (no offense Brown), black-shoed crowd of people trying to superimpose their realities via dress attire.

Whoa. I fell off the wagon there. So, what do you think? No BLACK SHOES? Or are BLACK SHOES inevitable on NYE? I think maybe we bend on New Years, but, I've always thought, if I'm waiting in line to enter a place, I'll be waiting in line for the bathroom, drinks and to rub my denim-cock on the girl with the fake jubblies.

Here's to hole-in-the-walls and Sandals!

The emaciated A-Chub

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Bear, the boys will be the bears in the playoffs. Just wanted to be the first to let you know.
8 I make #6 who is signed up for the secnd city show. Sorry I mocked your planning, Lee 7

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

You're welcome
(volume up please)


NYE possibility:
Lund has decided to join us for the festivities. He is flying back from the Bahamas and plans to meet up with us. Last night, he was pitching a bar named LANDMARK for NYE and thinks he can get us some tickets (although they are probably expensive). Apparently its pretty bad ass and if you go, you are guaranteed to get laid. Honestly, there is no chance you won't. As soon as you tell them you are from Texas, they try to rip off your clothes. I think it has possibility. Williams, know anything about this place?

Monday, December 04, 2006

Just bought my ticket. It was lucky number five purchased for the group.

Lee, what was that thing you wanted me to mention? Oh, and congrats on Luhban's spelling, it was similiar to your own. And will somebody please give Luhban $10 for his plates so that I don't have to hear any more about those circular disks of annoyance.
Timeline of Portillo's Patience

Nov 29th - Posts the idea of us all getting to together to see a second city show. ( Nice idea)
Nov 30th - Gives confirmation number so we can all sign up for the same show. (Great organization and foresight)
Dec 1st - No report (He got high. Fact.)
Dec 2nd - Yells at us for not having signed up yet. Coined a new word, "DOOSH" (Starting to get a little pushy)
Dec 3rd - Tries by opening with a subtle and friendly "greetings friends." (translation: Sign up assholes or else my plan will be ruined)

Sunday, December 03, 2006

Greetings friends. I just wanted to get a show of virtual hands for all who bought thier second city tickets. Get on it if you have not so all ready. I'd like to see everyone get this done faster than brown and williams give out weddings gifts. Which is to say, not at all.

Saturday, December 02, 2006


Even williams is getting one and he fucking roofs for a living. A migrant fucking worker could afford these tickets OK! Just get em.

Friday, December 01, 2006

One month away...

At least the weather's nice (this picture was taken this morning)

Does anyone else see this when they sleep?

How you like them skills Burger Boy?!

Thursday, November 30, 2006

Greetings friends.

Confirmation number for the second city show is 6896.

Tickets are 24 dollars and the show is Dec 30 at 8pm. Plus they have a space heater, which will be sweet. Get your tickets and get ready to laugh.

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

OK, So here is the final word on the tickets. With second city I cannot reserve tickets with my credit card. I can only buy them.

So please give me a show of hands of who whould like to experience one of the funniest nights of their lives Saturday, Dec 30? If we have a solid group together this is what we will do. I buy my two tickets and get a confirmation number. I will then post this number here on the IC and email it to you for repoduction.

You then will have to call second city at 312-337-3992 and buy your two tickets (One if you have no game. ) and use the confirmation number. This will insure that we get the seats together in the same section. So is anyone down?

I don't want to buy tickets if no one else wants to go.

Monday, November 27, 2006

Sunday, November 26, 2006


Good morning friends. I hope you had the merry of merriest Thanksgivings. I hope you enjoyed America's made-up holiday that miraculously gives you two days off during the dregs of November to celebrate our thieving of land, pillaging of ``feather heads'' and creating a corporate structure to drain us of all ``liberties'' we've been ``given'' .

Welcome back to the freedom of the work environment, where 91% of your small-talk conversations with co-workers today will go as follows:

``Hey guy, how was your (inlcude lameism, ie `Turkey Day')?''
``Oh fine Ted. Just sat around, ate a lot, watched some football.''
``Man me too, I must of gained 10 pounds (fake laugh)''
``(fake laugh) I hear that, my Dockers are pretty tight today'' (fake laughter)

This will lead to:

``Man, I just got to make it through today'' or ``The first day back is always the toughest'' or ``I'm just watching the clock today. Gotta get home and gobble on some more leftovers''

I've bolded the keys words for the day. When muttered by someone in your office, I encourage you, a la Pee-Wee's Playhouse, to respond outrageously. Maybe by saying ``I'm thankful we pillaged the Indians'' or ``Squanto was kind of a pussy'' or ``Thanksgiving leftovers are a Stoner's Paradise'' or ``I got drunk and shit in a cornucopia''.
Also, please avoid these catch phrases and bring up something random in conversation. Maybe try to throw in `Turkey Day' words to see if they're heard like ``Database entry is gravy'' or ``Yam ight want to send him an email this morning'' or ``Greenbean casserole it's nice outside today!''

Just some thoughts. Have a Collard Greens day!!

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Seriously Portillo, are you questioning my myspace pics? Isn't this your cover pic? I could see this my freshman year of high school as we shouted "not even homes" and snuck into the ditch to smoke a cigarette.... Are you wearing underwhere in this picture?
LOOK AT THIS PICTURE! It is from browns myspace. It begs two questions. The first is, why would you post this picture on your myspace? The second is, "When did we all turn ugly"? I don't know when it happened, I just know it did.

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Top ten reasons Chicago is going to be the best trip ever...

10. The winter cold will hide the fact that we are the most unfit group of friends assembled in the city.

9. As in San Diego for the 4th of July, the cold will provent Williams from being the only man on the beach in a bathing suit that does not fit with his underware sticking out.


Thursday, November 16, 2006


Can I get some random comments from strange guys? My editors loved for the last ones...


Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Who is down to go second city while we are in Chitown this new years? I am in for two. Who else is down. Eveyone please RSVP who wants to go and wiliams reserve us tickets please.

Monday, November 13, 2006


Hi friends. I'm a roofer. This is week 4. It's now official. Sometimes this picture is me, which is scary. Especially because I'm typically a ``pussy'' or a `momma's boy'' or ``a douche''.

Anyhow, here is my quick synopsis of my latest career venture.

1. Ladders are scary

2. Roofs are steep

3. Snow is cold

4. Carrying a 90-pound bag of shingles up a ladder, onto a steep roof, in the snow is fun and easy. It's like data entry, only less challenging.

5. Nails hurt, regardless of if you step on them, sit on them, grab one with your palm or have one hit you in the face when pryed from an older shingle.

6. Blue collar work makes you hungry.

7. McDonald's, though often blamed for our country's obesity, is relied upon for fuel by day laborers. Double cheeseburgers only cost $1.10. Monopoly is back too. I have Park Place and Boardwalk.

8. Although many man controls broom, broom controls many man.

9. There is a 10-cigarette/day minimum in blue-collar culture. Only menthols or reds allowed. No `ultra lights' here pretty boys.

10. Yelling swear words, preferably in Spanish, is permitted at any time of day, in elation, pain, discouragement or when early morning Dunkin' Donuts settles in.

Have a good week.


Friday, November 10, 2006

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Indulge me friends....


Tony Kornheiser

PS - Viva la Chicago - 55 days or so...Weiss, get on board

Kudos to Weasel!

As you can see Weiss does appear to have all the qualities of an MVP. The intense "I want to do bad things to this philly" stare. As well as, the index finger belt loop pull. A move patented by A Dub when thrusting girls on the dance floor.

It's nice to see you have a sex-crazed-intense guy underneath all that sugary sweet exterior.

Long live Evil Weiss.

Monday, November 06, 2006

Ghost Bar - Saturday Night

I second a few things Bear said. First that this Vegas trip was one of the best in a long time. Sorry mazur but not starting off the trip losing a lot of money put everything on the right track for me. Second, Weiss really was the MVP. For a plethora of reasons. Some of which I visually document here. Not that Miller was not wonderful. Because deciding to come up and talk shit to the people standing next to me every time he found me playing craps is cool, it's just not MVP cool. The first time was the best where after screaming "Loaded Dice!" everytime someone rolled, a guy walked up, put his money down and was getting ready to play as miller leans in and says in his ears "Get your fucking guyavara out of my face." The man turns around and tells him, "I will have you kicked out of hear so fast.". Of course one of the best thing about craps is when the entire table wins together. So nothing made that table hotter then the brotherly love brought on by the MVP runner up.

So the first photo of Weiss seen here is one of my favs.
This was saturday night at the ghost bar. The things that really make this pic happen are 1) The face- nothing more can said, 2) the double fister, you should get a making it happen award for that 3) the spill on his shirt. I never saw you spill that night weiss but we have the evidence to prove it and the best of all 4) the bouncer in the background saying "Another fucking broke ass white boy who is overly excited about getting in". Everytime I am in vegas from now on, I'm going to the Palms, gamlbing there, playing there and bringing weiss.

So I follow that shot up with the hommie on the left. This was only a rondom shot of my lady dancing. But upon further review I noticed that it show weiss in full slump beaking action. We can't see the lady he was danvcing with but unlike other clandestine photos of people on the IC, we can be 100% sure that it is not mcrea. (Mazur please tell mccrea the next time you and her IM each other that she earned 2 reference this week on the IC)

To further stroke the Johnson of B-dub I have to include this photo to the right. Nicely done weiss. The best thing about this photo is after the club we were sitting in the Palms casino (last photo below) looking at all my photos and after seeing this one Weiss asks "Oh my God! Was this tonight?" Yes that was that night weiss. It looks like the double fist did its duty.
Oh ya, and Miller was arrested on Saturday.


Let's see....

Thursday, November 2.

Katie and I arrive at 9:30 PM, check into the Monte Carlo. Rolling high class baby! Blackjack until about 1:30 AM, Lost $50.

Friday, November 3.

Check out of Monte Carlo at 11 AM, head to Travel Lodge arrive at 11:30. (Rollin low class, very low class)

Weiss arrives promptly at 3PM. Gambling and drinking begin.

Portillo arrives at 5PM, 8 hours later than he promised. Spurs game watching party at The Wynn Hotel. Weiss and I take Spurs -5.5 (eventhough we knew Spurs suck at back-to-back games). Spurs lose, I'm pissed, Portillo and Weiss don't care for some reason.

Megan and her boyfriend (Michael Peatross) arrive at 10PM. More drinking ensues at Travel Lodge.

Marc Miller and Mark Hagan arrive at 11 PM - bruised and battered. Head down the strip to Imperial Palace.

Stop at beer stand for $2 draft. Weiss and I "merge" in line with Katie. Metrosexuals (one who looks roided up) behind us aren't pleased. They talk shit, Weiss talks back, nothing happens. "Where is Miller when you need him" - Weiss says.

Gambling and drinking from 12-1AM. Weiss plays about 7 hands of blackjack with Whitney Houston dealer, doubles his cash, tosses a $5 token at Whitney, then leaves a winner. Puts $20 on black as he screams aloud "I always bet on black", and loses.

The 9 of us then head to Harrahs 1AM - ????. I lose about $250-$300, betting like an idiot. Weiss hits on a girl from Baylor, does well until Michael Peatross tells girl that Weiss has a HUGE cock. Blur, blur, blackjack, blur, craps, more blur, video poker, blur.

Loss of Memory. Video evidence shows: Walk back to travel lodge, Weiss breakdances as we walk by live band, seawalking included. (Portillo please post this asap)

Back at hotel, Weiss, Miller, Hagan, Katie, and I get retarded high off some weed Portillo gave me. I passed out

I am sure I left out a lot, so please feel free to add (Miller, Weiss, Portillo) I have to get back to work. I'll let someone else go over the events for Saturday (I know Weiss wants to tell us about the girl he met at The Palms). All and all, one of the best trips in recent memory.

MVP: Brain "Borat" Weiss

Lesson Learned: Never stay at the Travel Lodge in Las Vegas.

Sunday, November 05, 2006

Which of the items do you recognize?

Many of you were not here to witness Williams truck after the Red Dawg. It was red, and it was a truck, but that was about it. It was so small he had to cut a hole in the floor and pedal with his legs....

The popcorn, Lubahn?

The Slurpee, Mazur?

The milk, Chambers?

Wednesday, November 01, 2006


Carptenter posted these classic conversations in our fantasy league. I hope you find it as funny as I did....

During this past weekend, anyone who was over at Cleveland's house on Friday night got graced by Scotty G's presence. Let me tell you, it was classic. Here are how a couple of conversations went with the motivational speaker for car salesmen (that is his job now).

Nystrom: What's up Scott. Did you just get here?
Glasscock (after surveying the crowd): I am the baddest mother f-cker here aren't I?
Nystrom (completely shocked and confused): Wow

Me: What up Scotty G? What are you up to now?
Glasscock: Pretty much nothing.
Me: Wait, so you are looking for a job?
Glasscock: No, I have a job. I pretty much just sit on my couch and collect the paycheck!
Me (Wanting to say, "Wait aren't you a motivational speaker for used car salesmen? Instead, walked away.)

On another side note: here is the conversation I had with Benson that same night:
Me: What up Scott? How are things?
Benson: What up Cleveland? Doing alright?
Me (deciding to go with it): Yeah, things are good.....good to see you.

The funny thing was that we were at Cleveland's house and Scott was calling me Cleveland....I guess we weren't that good of friends after all.

Who knew Carpenter was such a student of the human condition?