Thursday, January 10, 2008

Hillary Campaign T

Wednesday, January 09, 2008


1. Who would make the best mayor of a small town?
61% - Bear
8% - Brown, Chambers, Mazur, Portillo, Weiss

2. Who would make the best head coach of the USA basketball team?
33% - Mazur
25% - Williams
16% - Bear & Faust
8% - Weiss

3. Who is the most likely to become famous?
33% - Brown & Williams
16% - Faust
8% - Portillo & Chambers

4. Who has the best chance at winning gold in the luge?
40% - Lubahn & Chambers
15% - Portillo
8% - Mazur

5. Who is the most likely to become a millionaire?
40% - Brown
23% - Mazur
15% - Miller & Chambers
8% - Portillo

6. Who is most likely to suffer a mid-life crisis?
30% - Faust
15% - Mazur, Miller, Weiss, Williams
8% - Portillo

7. Who is the most likely to appear on a reality TV show
30% - Faust & Williams
15% - Weiss
8% - Portillo

8. Who would make the best Vice President of the United States?
30% - Lubahn
23% - Brown
15% - Bear & Mazur
8% - Portillo

9. Who would make the best President of the United States?
54% - Brown
30% - Bear
8% - Portillo & Weiss

10. If elected President who is the most likely to be assassinated?
54% - Lubahn
23% - Miller
8% - Faust, Mazur & Weiss

Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Who in this discussion is not even registered to vote? Be honest.
BTW I respect Kusinich cause he is a short guy with a hotter, better looking and younger wife. His policies are pretty progressive as well, but like Paul he has no real chance. But for a man that little, he must be good if he can out reach that well.

Monday, January 07, 2008

Lubahn got me thinking... yep that's right. I thought it would be a good idea to have a proper IC election. However, as I started the survey I realized that after the VP and President I don't really know what the rest of those folks do in DC. So, I just kind of threw some funny crap on there...

The Inner Circle Primary

Oh, and I also requested the input of the Women of the IC.... enjoy.

As we just began the year 2008 I thought what better way to ring in the new year than post a political blog on the eve of the second major primary.
(How gay did that sound....Faust while creative is also probably gay)

I thought it would be interesting to take a poll to see where the IC stacks up. Obviously Clint Brown was just recently elected to reside over the IC and America if given the chance. If he turns this down we will have to choose from what's left over. Go to this link Bush 08 and take the poll and then submit your top 3.

Additional Thoughts:
1) Lee knows politics
2) Williams reeaalllly wants to know politics
3) Bear wishes Ditka would run
4) Clint Brown was recented selected to run while living in South America
5) Williams has already started a nasty hate post
6) Faust is a movie snob

My 3 in order: Barack, Hilary, and Chris Dodd

Sunday, January 06, 2008

It's back.

Wednesday, January 02, 2008


Well the Miller bash went off without a hitch. The Millers were accommodating and gracious hosts. Brown and Weiss's arrival were wonderful surprises. Piper made her debut by declaring to Bear that the NFL was stupid and that the athletes should get real jobs. It was obviously not the same without C-Bone, Lubes, and Leonardo. As the ball dropped on 2007 Weiss and I celebrated by rubbing Williams back on the side of the house.

As far as the bachelor party goes here is my take....

If you need to have it Feb, than I understand and you should go for it.
If we could go somewhere in Texas for Memorial Day that would save many people a flight before the wedding
If a random day arises that Portillo can take off then I'm sure we would be accommodating as to when that is and plan around it.
The consensus is that everyone just wants to get together, and it doesnt matter where or when...

Got a lot of love for you guys.

Lets get off to better start with the blog this year. The IC is essential.

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

As far as alternative dates go I am open for suggestions. I picked February 15 - 18 because it is the last three day weekend before memorial day. I am trying to not miss any time from work this year so would prefer a three day weekend. Memorial day is an option but it is exactly one month from my wedding day (May 26th vs June 27th) and I was concerned with everyone having to do something in May and then one month later having to buy a ticket to San Diego.

For each one of you that can make it, I will enjoy myself more. So here is my request, if February 15 - 18th does not work suggest actual dates when you can do it rather then just saying "later". We can then come together on something workable and make it happen.

Last thing, Bear and I had talked about doing a dual bachelors. He will be having multiple thrown for him and I figured why not double up for the two of us to make it easier for everyone. Bear are you still interested in this or do you prefer something else?

Please add some concrete data all and lets do something.

Friday, December 14, 2007

Portillo + Bear + Santa Fe= Bachelor Party Bliss

When: Feb. 14-18
What: Drinking, Skiing, Snowboarding, Lodging, Camaradering, Dancing, Laughing, Loving, Drugging, Slapping.

Adam Williams and Michael Mazur will be looking into lodging/rates/ski resorts/easy women/mountain goats

In all realness, we need to know who is in and who is not. Does this work for everyone?? I get the understanding that neither Kevin or Lee want a Bachelor Party without everyone there. Correct? So, can we get some voices? I, A-dub, am in. I'll make it work if everybody's down. If not, please say so now so we can get on the same page.

Happy Holiday's

I sure hope I'm on the nice list......

Monday, December 10, 2007

Has anybody called Chris Westfall a pussy lately? I don't know if you guys have seen this but it is Chris Westfall in a fucking cage match. Careful, I think he might have ripped the guy's arm out of his socket and beat him with it.
click on ChrisMMA.wmv

Thursday, December 06, 2007


Gentiles - I feel my `call out Lee Portillo' post has stunted planning for the trip. Apologies. That's not what was intended. That said, I think we'd all like to get the plans set in stone asap, right? So, let's start with the dates. What weekend? Feb. 14 (Thurs) through Monday, Feb. 18? Is that the projected weekend? Does that work for everyone (Faust? is Brown possible?, Miller out?, Chambers out?, Lubahn in? Weiss in?) Just want to see where we all stand, and, yes, I am not wealthy and the sooner purchased the better.
If the date is set, let's find a place/resort/hut/wigwam asap. Mazur, will you build a house for us there? Faust will design it.
To be real, though I called Lee out, it's true I am no master-planner. Actually, I'm pretty poor in this area, so, the more hands on deck the better. Okay, so, let's get it. Glee for Lee as hee bids adee to a life of free and random pussee. Hee hee.
My last question is, if only like four (Lee, Mazur, Kevin and t-shirted Williams) are guarantees, would the option of moving the date back be possible? Lee? If the inclusion of all is not possible, would a date change work better? Food for thought. I like food.
Chubberson Adams
(There are a lot of questions in this post)

Monday, December 03, 2007

Sunday, December 02, 2007

Considering some of the random things we say, I thought this was appropriate...

Saturday, December 01, 2007

I'm pretty sure that's the kid from Almost Famous. I'm also sure he thinks you're taking a picture of him.

PICS of when da soldja was back in his fort

cameos by kodiak & his handler, the kodiaks handlers sister, the darlings, c_BONE(s), soldja boi, t-nice, dom perignon, spicy cheet's, sam the pit-lab, the rainmakers, the rainmakers deck, oh and almost forgot WHEAT-germ. the ghost of NOTORIOUS B.I.G was also seen wondering around

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Dear Lee,

The incessant comments about my weight, lack of income, single relationship status and insanely chaotic `busy' schedule are hilarious. Or, in Leee langwage `HeLarryus'. You are so witty and charming. Keep up the good work.

HOWEVER, when you imply that your B-Team Groomsman, Adam Williams, was doing nothing, or was not interested or made no effort to coordinate your Bachelor Party, then maybe you need to take a trip to Introspection-Ville, Population You, and review the events leading up to your spontaneous Bachelor Party declaration.


Lee ChestVest: `Hey, A-Chub, it would be totally rad if you planned my Bachelor Party. Hey, I like chorizo'

A-Chub: `Sure Lee, I'd love to. I'm glad we're friends and I like you heterosexually. I just ate an entire Baked Ziti.'


A-Chub: Hi Lee, this is your friend, Adam. Adam Williams.

Lee Chestvest: Hello Adam. Do you like danger?

A-Chub: I do. Hey, speaking of danger, how about Tijuana, a small Mexican Puebla, New Mexico, Mexico New, Santa Fe or Crowley for your Bachelor party? Do enjoy those options Lee? If so, say `Yes' now.

Lee Chestvest: `Yes now'.

A-Chub: Very Good. So Lee, about what time of year would you like the Bachelor party to be held, seeing that you get married in July, which is the month Heaven Angels created Magicians.'

Lee: I'm thinking May-ish, maybe MEMORIAL DAY which is (paraphrased) in MOTHER FUCKING MAY.

A-Chub: Superlicious pal. I'm a tiger.

Lee CV: Tiger?

A-Chub: On the prowl for fun!



(Voicemail on A-Chub's Garfield phone)

`Chub, this is Lee Chestvest, and I was thinking Sante Fe snowboarding is the way to do it. Call me if you like this plan, though I fully intend to plan it, and POST it, myself because I don't really trust anyone to plan any activity that I am involved in because I plan Mother Fucker. I plan! And though I delegated responsibility onto you, don't forget, wherever there is Planning, `I'll Be There!' Also, when it is revealed that I planned my own party, because as I mentioned, `If I'm not in control, no one is,' then I will endlessly defame you in front of our friends and make you out to be a lazy, self-involved, uninterested, poor, chubby friend and ultimately, my scapegoat, cause that's how I role. How's the weather? Eleah wants to know.' like that Lee? You like that? Oh yeah, right there Lee, right there.

Before you read this and your body tempature rises, know that I am addressing this a) as my own self-defense and b) because maybe you need to understand, not negatively Lee, that maybe you like to be in control of what you're doing. There's nothing wrong with it. Nothing at all. Hell, it's an admirable quality to be a leader of your own domain. You bus-ed through South America for Allah's sake. You aint a follower, and that's why we like you.

But, by trying to cast me as `Same Old affable, irresponsible Williams' in order to mask the reality that You maybe wanted to plan it the way You wanted to plan it (see your post of hyperlinks), you've sort of pissed me off. But, because I'm not `Same old fat, sad, Red Dogg, where's my mom Williams' I'm letting it go because I love you, care for you, and want to be the best `Alternate' Groomsman on the block. Even if your Bachelor Party isn't in May, like we talked about. Three times.

So that's that. Hope you aren't angered and respect my perspective. And if you are mad, post it and we'll discuss.

All My Love,

Adam Williams

LEE's ball-drop party

here are some accommodations I found in the three places portillo had in mind. depending on how many people are able to go it looks to be very affordable. even affordable for a social worker i might add.

Angel fire sleeps 12 $475/night 6 blocks to slopes
Angel fire sleeps 12 $475/night 200 yards to slopes
Angel fire sleeps 16 $525/night “walking distance” to slopes

Santa Fe sleeps 10 $350/night 5 minutes to downtown
Santa Fe sleeps 12 $500-1000/night 10 minutes to downtown drug dealer house
Santa Fe sleeps 12 $430/night downtown
All these houses are 15 min’s from slopes. Not sure if santa fe has “ski-in ski-out” accommodations

Taos sleeps 8 $600/night can see slopes
Taos sleeps 8 $275/night 15 yards from slopes
Taos sleeps 10 $400/night 450 yards from slopes

i hate you all

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

OK. So I'm calling it. Anyone who is interested. How does the third monday in febuary sound? That's president's day. We can fly out and meet up Friday evening. Being on the mountain Saturday morning, and all day saturday and Sunday. And fly back Monday morning, missing no work, unless you don't have Monday off. Faust, I know you are in flux right now with your schedule, so if you can make it or can't, or if a few weeks later is better let me know. I'm in, who else is down?

Monday, November 19, 2007

Animal #2 - 10 Pt. White Taile Deer