Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Who can hate on KG? I'm interested to hear feedback from longtime Western Conference fans such as yourselves. Do you respect KG and look at him as a iconic NBA player?

I mean really, the guy plays hard day in and day out and he did it in Minnesota for most of his career under an absolutely terrible management and never outright complained once. It looks like he has a pretty good shot at the Finals this year, although no matter what team comes out of the West they will be tough...

This is a quote from KG responding to Glen Taylor (Timberwolves Management) after Taylor said he felt KG "tanked" it last year.....

"I'm in Boston right now," he said courtside. "I care less what Glen Taylor thinks of Kevin Garnett. Right now, huge win for us. That's nonsense. I don't even know why he would bring that up, but, you know, it shows the taste of some people."

He continued later: "Glen Taylor was good to me while I was a Timberwolf. I'm a Boston Celtic now. I'm not going to be going back and forth and saying tasteless things. That's not in my character. I'll let him speak if he wants to.

"I have nothing to do with the Minnesota Timberwolves. That's my past and I'm in a new chapter in my life. I thank him for the opportunity, for giving me, when I was younger, being able to not only explore my dream, but to make it to where I am today. And that's all I'm going to say about that."

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Hello Fellas,

So I have purchased my tickets as follows:

May 23rd arrive in Austin 11:59pm
Leave Austin 11:00 am Monday May 26th

My goals for the trip in no particular order:

  • To find a foozball table and while taking your money, show myself, to be a superior individual in the realm of hand eye coordination. I'll take any five dollar game on the river.
  • To show myself to be athletically superior with strong Bruce Bowen-ish defense, a heart like big ben and a completion reminiscent of the professor.
  • To not get sunburned.
  • to make it to austin one night
  • to watch UFC 84 saturday night. Faust is there directv at the house?
  • To stay alive
  • to not leave and have to reconcile who I believe I am as a person against what I did.

Friday, March 14, 2008

Adam has been kidnapped and raped. From the information available it seems he followed a young lady home in hopes of her worshiping the God of low morals and fell into a trap. A Predator was waiting for him. The Predator is apparently gay and sells cocaine for income. Adam has been forced into a male only sex ring somewhere in the western hemisphere. Any information leading to his whereabouts is appreciated. His friends miss him and want to see him and make fun of this unfortunate event to his face. There's a $9.50 reward.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Sir Charles

I went and saw Charles Barkley at a charity luncheon yesterday. I think he is the best analyst/personality in the NBA right now. Basbeall is a tie between the infallible Joe Morgan and the poetic Bob Costas; and football has to be Al Michaels.

Does anyone agree or disagree?

Sie Charles told stories of his childhood in Leeds, Alabama, black on black crime, and his best friend (MJ) having to pay out 175 million in his divorce. Chuck told Michael, "The money isn't the worst part, it was going to be when he went to visit his kids and some other brother was sitting in his chair smoking his cigars... especially if it turns out to be one of his boys, because every guy is looking for a woman with 175 million."

He also announced his canidacy for governor of Alabama in 2012.

Tuesday, March 04, 2008

The day has finally come...the one that Faust has dreaded for years. Brett Favre is retiring. It truly is a sad day for the NFL as he was one of, if not the last major icon from the NFL that we all loved and grew up with.

Friday, February 29, 2008

They call it Casita Guadalupe.. I call it Mecca.

Monday, February 25, 2008

After reading a Williams post in our BBall league, I wanted to remind you all of the greatest games ever playing in Fort Worth throughout the early 2000's...

Trail Lake.

Key Essentials to any game...

1. A Nine and a half foot goal
2. Graffiti Backboard
3. Wristbands, Headbands, high socks, or any other accessory that might make you appear good.
4. A 2-inch vertical.
5. Young Mexican spectators

Now... I never played with all of you, but I did with most and I'd like to remember all of the positive things about your game...

Brian "The Euro" Weiss- Pure shooter, I'm not sure his actual FG% was above 30%, but anything about 15% was in the top 3...
Brent "The Baron" Lubahn- Self professed "Sticky D." His D was pretty good. And there are no easy layups on the break. He will push you in the back. Noble.
Matt "MC9" Chambers- A real slasher. MC really can play. He just didn't care as much as the rest of us. Which is a good thing.
Michael "The Murano" Mazur- 6 fouls
Marc "Magic" Miller - Should have been a banger, but just wasn't his style. He preferred to get high and sub out. Does posses a nice finger roll.
Adam "The Kidnapper" Williams - Our perennial all star. AW can play. Shot blocking had to be his best asset. No negative comments. Weird.
Adam "Flagrant" Faust- Darrel Armstrong-like tenacity. Took pick up basketball intensity to new levels. Very ugly levels.

Had limited to no experience with Lee, Bear, and Brown. But I'd like to hear from you folks who know about them... Didn't Portillo almost beat Williams in a one on one game? Speaking of one on one... can we please hear about the Williams/Lubahn game? If you haven't heard it... it ends in a forfeit.

Rumor Mill: If allowed back in the NBA, the Mavs may sign... yes... The Birdman.


Friday, February 22, 2008

You are welcome.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Hey guys. That made me so happy to read. I was actually coming to the site to post the following letter and to encourage you to do the same. Take a look at it and please join in with me!

PS - Portillo Rules!


Dear NBA,

Please take note of the wonderful opportunity presenting the league right now. The competition in the west is stellar as never before. As a lifelong Spurs fan I cannot wait to see San Antonio go up against the new rosters of Los Angeles, Phoenix and Dallas. Then when you thrown in the up and coming Hornets, Warriors and everyone else, it looks to be a great western conference playoffs.

However the defacto JV league in the east continues to fall farther and farther behind. I feel one reason is that the competition is always so weak it begets itself. Please, reseed the playoff format. Get rid of the east/west conference seeding now, then reseed after every round and allow the system to at least have the chance of having the best series in the finals. For many years in a row this has not been the case, to the detriment of your product and bottom line. Honestly you have a great interest in fixing this obvious flaw in your product. Give the people what they want!

Looking forward to any response.

Lee Portillo

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Via Text

Lee: Guess who asked to walk down the aisle with you at the wedding?

Faust: Who? (restrained elation)

Lee: Nobody you fat headed fuck!

Faust: Oh. (Hurt)

Lee: Do you need some aloe for that burn?

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

New Music for the New Year...

I know, I know, I think I am the music god. But I believe everyone (except Lubahn) appreciates good music. And I love it so much I want to share it with you, and what I think you may like. I will try to stay true to myself and only suggest bands with bizarre pseudo-cool names.

Vampire Weekend/Vampire Weekend
This is indie music. In case you were still curious what that is exactly. And a very easy way into that world...
Who will enjoy it: Dalrymple, Chambers, and Brown

Sunset Rubdown/Random Spirit Lover
This band is the same crew that brought us Wolf Parade, which is the brain child of Modest Mouse. If that wasnt enough their songs are titled,"Up On Your Leopard, Upon the End of Your Feral Days" and "Winged / Wicked Things" This is what they call art rock. It is hard to listen to at first. But if you can stick with it the payoff is immense.
Who will enjoy it: Weiss, Mazur and Miller

The National/Boxer- Best album of the year. This guys voice will stop you, grab you, and kiss you with a fist. F' brilliant lyrics as well.
Who will enjoy it: Portillo & Williams

I hope at least one of you gives it a try...
Berlin & Amsterdam

I thought I would share this with you in case you are bored at work... Oh, and I am back in the good ol' US of A. Yeehaw.

Blogger Pictures

Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Conan VS Comedy Central

If you haven't seen the fued that has been going on between Conan, Colbert and most recently John Stewart it's pretty funny and finally came to blows this week.

8 mins, but worth the click

Monday, February 04, 2008

I went skiing a couple weeks a couple videos. Joe De La Drunk is the cinematographer. Yes I have a helmet on.

Monday, January 28, 2008

Pro Athletes

Hey IC Humans. How is everyone? I hope you're having a nice weekend. Did anyone hear that Roger Federer lost in the Austrailian Open semis? I did. Eleven times. Really. In a span of about 20 hours, I was alerted on 11 separate occasions that Roger Federer had been upset. Seeing that Federer will be in the tennis circuit at least five more years, I got to wondering...Which members of the IC might feel similar, constant athlete comparisons? And if so, what athlete is most often associated with them? Here goes...

Marc Miller and Teddy Bruschi

Intense, mean, good hairlines and desert friendly (Bruschi played on the `Desert Swarm' Univ. of Arizona team. Also, if you had to pick one IC member who would suffer partial paralysis and return six months later to demolish people (like Teddy did), my vote would be Miller-tant.

Chambers and Doug Christie

Wiry, lanky, tatted up and contributors in many statistical categories, Chambone and Christie have more in common than you might think. For example, Christie often had bone spurs and bad ankles. So did Chambers. Christie led his high school team to their first ever State Final Four appearance. So did Chambers. Christie's mom is white, Dad is black. Just like Chambers.

Also, in maybe the oddest athlete finding, Doug Christie's wife is insane, including the following of the team bus, disallowance of female reporters giving interviews, annual re-weddings and a form of sign language they speak to each other. Ya know, Chambers has been known to be a victim of puppy-love textamania. Just saying.

Christie also has a show `Christies Committed' on BET. Here is the insane article about their love life. It's worth the read:

Bear and John Daly

Soulmates? I think yes. Power? Check. Nicknames? Long John/Bear. Check. Claims to have drank a fifth of Jack Daniels every day during the year he was 23? Check, Check, Check. Both have calmed their rambunctious lifestyle choices, however, though Daly said the following quotes, well, if Bear were a little rougher around the edges, don't you think he'd be capable of saying:

"There are probably some things I could do to keep my flexibility up, but I'd rather smoke, drink diet Cokes and eat."
"Seems I used to do everything like I was on a mission. If it was alcohol, I wanted to drink till I couldn't see straight. If it was golf, I wanted to beat everybody's brains out. If it was driving, I can get there faster'n you can... I was stubborn as hell. I had no direction."
"I believe nicotine plus caffeine equals protein."

Clint and Rob Dibble

Nicknamed the `Nasty Boy', Dibble is a rough-and-tumble brawler turned refined analyst. Sound familiar? Be it analyzing baseball games or analyzing stocks, the similarities here are, well, eerie.

Clint Brown thrives on efficiency. Dibble once struck out 3 batters on 9 pitches. Eerie. Clint Brown bodyslammed a hog and rode a bull. After a game, Dibble threw a baseball into the outfield seats and struck a lady in the head. Eerie. Clint Brown's initials are CB. Rob Dibble's are RD. All four of those letters are found in the alphabet. There's a word that describes such a coincedence. Eerie.

Weiss and Bernie Kosar

If this were an SAT analogy, well, hot dog: bun as Weiss: Kosar. After Bernie K. left Cleveland, where he was adored, fans sang `Bernie, Bernie' in place of `Louie, Louie' in that one song. Oddly, `Brian Weiss' is also mentioned in pop song lore, as in one of Shakira's Spanish rants, she says `Brian Weiss'. This has been confirmed sober and high. Apparently, Kosar is known to get mad when `Elway' is mentioned around him due to the time Elway beat him on `the drive'. This is similar to Weiss, who gets mad when you mention that kid `Ab' who talked too much and was pretty dumb.

Mazur and Paul Lo Duca

Hey Michael, what's your favorite minor league baseball team? Oh, really? The San Antonio Missions, well, did you know your big brother, Lo Duca `spent many years with the San Antonio Missions, finally achieving a breakthrough year with the Los Angeles Dodgers in 2001'. Oh, hey Michael, what language did you study and what anestory are you? Oh, just wondering because, `Lo Duca draws comparisons to catcher predecessors Mike Scioscia and Mike Piazza, all three are of Italian-American ancestry'. Ragazzi Penne Pasta. Also, Lo Duca catches most people who try to steal, like the night you saw Lubahn at 3am trying to steal the Murano.

Other similarities:

As a child, Lo Duca's mother would toss pinto beans to him in the back yard and he would use a broomstick to hit them. Hmm...kind like how: `As a child Michael's dad used to hit him with a broomstick in the backyard while calling him `pinto bean boy'.

Lo Duca did roids to get big. Just saying.

Lo Duca was known as "Captain Red Ass" in the Mets clubhouse. Mazur is known as `Captain Monkey Sodomy' amongst the IC.

ADub and Louis Scola

If you were playing the game `Memory', the matching card for `A-Chub' would be `Scola'. We look alike, we yell alike, we are both sweaty, we both speak Spanish, we both have Houston ties, we both have the first Shakira album (that's 2 Shakira references if you're scoring at home), we both don't think Raefer Alston is fit for an NBA point guard, we both have tubesocks and we both throw up at midnight to ring in a new year and have matching scars from falling running home from a bar. We both also hooked up with Mallory.

Faust and Martina Navratilova

Yowza. This one is like finding fate. Both are the number one ranked tennis players, (Faust: IC, Martina: World), both are known for ultra-competitiveness and small blow-ups and both are blatant lesbians. Because the two have intertwined souls, it has been rumored that, not confirmed, when Monica Seles took over Martina's number one ranking, it was Adam Faust, age 11, who stabbed Seles during her match in 1993.

Maybe the most telling connector in the saga of these two is as follows:

In Martina's autobiograpgy, Being Myself, Navratilova says that she had romantic crushes on teachers of both sexes. She had her first same-sex relationship at age 18. Hmm...I always wondered why Faust `transferred' to TCU. Put the pieces together people. Put the pieces together.
Martina, also a clothing designer, made the shirt that Faust wore on New Years.

Portillo and Valderrama

The look, the name, the flair, the ferocity, the fur, and the weird hobbies. Knock, Knock Lee. Who's there? It's me, your identical DNA match, Carlos Valderrama.

Valderrama is known as `El Pibe'; Portillo, `El Poncho'. Valderrama is known for his head hair, Portillo his sweater-vest chest hair. Valderrama was a great passer and shielder. I bet Portillo was one Hell of a shielder. Valderrama likes to take pictures of himself travelling on different modes of transport. I bet he's done skiing, horses, donkeys and Freestyle walking, just like Portillo. Lastly, on November 1, 2007, Valderrama was ejected from a Colombian league match after waving cash in the face of a referee for calling a penalty that ended his team's hopes of qualifying for the playoffs. I guarantee you that Portillo would do this if Dick Bavetta called a late foul on Ginobili in the Western Conference Finals.

Lubahn and Nancy Lopez

If we were playing the game `Guess Who?' and Brent showed up on one card, there's only one viable match: Nancy Lopez.

Did you know Nancy Lopez married baseball player Ray Knight and goes by Nancy Lopez-Wright now? What do you think of that Brent Lubahn-Darling?

Lopez and Lubahn are both members of the LPGA, and both are lauded for their boring, half-swing, lamely consistent play. It is also said that when Lopez joined the LPGA, Lopez was heralded as a symbol of a progressive woman of color. Coincedentally, she is the First woman of color that Brent Lubahn ever saw. He is still scared to talk to her, however.

Lopez got her break when she won the U.S. Girls' Junior Championship twice. Brent finished third and sixth in those tournaments, respectively.


Thursday, January 17, 2008

Father arrested for forcing son to wear Green Bay Packers jersey

(some content in the following article has been altered for copyright purposes)

London, UK - Upset that his 7-year-old son wouldn't wear a Green Bay Packers jersey during the team's playoff victory Saturday, a man restrained the boy for an hour with tape and taped the jersey onto him.

Adam C. Faust was cited for disorderly conduct in connection with the incident with his son at their home in Notting Hill.
The 26-year-old Faust was arrested Monday after his girlfriend told authorities about the incident. Faust was taken to the county jail and, after smoking 17 cigarettes and crying excessively, paid a fine of $186 and was released.

Faust's girlfriend filed a restraining order Wednesday, so Faust will not be able to have contact with his family. Officer Craig Smith said other domestic issues have surfaced, including the time Faust tried to duct tape Converse Chuck Taylor's to the boy's feet, the instance where Faust almost choked the boy when he refused to wear 9 hemp necklaces and the time when Faust erupted on the boy when the boy said `No' to drugs.

The boy, Samurai Kalidescope Different Faust, refused to wear the jersey Saturday, when the Packers beat the Seattle Seahawks in a playoff game, Smith said. Smith said the incident sounded strange when reported at first, but Piper took pictures with her cell phone and that type of evidence is difficult to dispute.

Monday, January 14, 2008


Having some fun with Google Seach at work on this Monday afternoon, I decided to create a Bizzarro World of the IC. For anyone who has not seen Seinfeld, Bizzarro World is like the same group of friends, yet different, in a bizzare world. The way that I came up with my Bizzarro World was by typing each of your names into the Google Search engine. In the photo above (in no particular order) is: Adam Williams, Adam Faust, Brian Weiss, Matt Chambers, Clint Brown, Lee Portillo, Marc Miller, Brent Lubahn, & Michael Mazur). Click the links below to find out who's who. Don't worry, all of the links are Work Friendly. Enjoy!

Adam Williams – Considering the fact that I have met 4 Adam Williams’s in my life, it comes to no surprise that the search result brings back 95,500 for “Adam Williams”. So after a little while of searching, I finally found Bizzarro Adam Williams (or is this just A-Chub 2 years ago?):

Clint Brown – Singer/Song Writer best know for his albums “Praise Heard Around The World” and “Back 2 Brown”. You probably won’t find Bizzarro Clint Brown revisiting his college days at IC reunions, but if we’re lucky we might blessed with a few lyrics of “Our God And Our King”: or

Brent Lubahn – Ok, well I figured there had to be a handful of Brent Lubahn’s out there in this world. But to my surprise, all 45 results that came back are ALL the Brent Lubahn we know! Of course, it is amusing to see his work profile:

Oh wait, this might work for Bizzarro Brent:,0.jpg

Brian Weiss – Ok, if you are named “Brian Weiss” then it almost seems destiny for you to become a doctor, I found 4 different Doctor Brian Weiss’s (one who is actually very famous). I felt like that was OK for Bizzarro Brian, but it also just seemed too much like his dad. I wanted something more interesting, therefore I went with Kang’s Black Belt Academy. Bizzarro Brian Weiss is a 3rd Degree black belt and instructs at the JCC, which means he teaches “The Jews” (Borak voice): (scroll to middle of page)

Adam Faust Warning, do not type this name into a Google Search, especially if you are at work! Bizzarro Adam Faust is definitely a porn star, no matter how many pages you go through. I reluctantly tried Google Images, for whatever reason this came up so I’m just going to stick with it (don’t worry, it’s safe):

(Glad I’m done with that name)

Matt Chambers – OK, I’m not real sure what an “Oracle Suitcase” is, but judging by the background of this photo, it seems like Bizzarro Chambers is running some sort of underground drug ring. And judging by the condition he looks to be in…., well just look at the site and decide for yourself:

Michael Mazur – 90% of the search results of “Michael Mazur” came back as Michael Mazur the artist (which you can view at Once again though, this one just didn’t fit as Bizzarro Mazur in my world. After multiple pages of surfing, I came across this. I think most of you will agree (and I know Mazur will appreciate his sweet tattoo): (scroll down to mid/lower page)

Marc Miller – Once again, a name with 90,000 search results (however, it also pulls MarK Miller’s as well – and we know that’s just not right). A lot to choose from and I am getting toward the end of this post and getting a little surfed out. My Bizzarro Miller is a guitarist out of Baltimore in the band Oxes. Oxes music has been called “Math Rock” or “Post-Punk”, however they do not subscribe to any music genre (typical Miller): (Marc is in the middle, left and right of him might the Bizarro JJ’s)

Lee Portillo – First of all, I found this link under “Lee Portillo” and I highly doubt that this is a Bizzarro Lee Portillo, but the real thing -

Unfortunately though, I could not find any images of “Lee Portillo”, however when I just typed “Portillo” into Google Images, I found my Bizzarro Portillo. Make you own conclusions on this guy:

Kevin Dalrymple - (I’ve just spent 2 hours at work searching the names of everyone in the IC. I have a real job to do now, so if you want to find a Bizzarro Kevin then you can search for it yourself.) Or you can just click here: