Wednesday, January 13, 2010

LT's Electric Glide

2007 Nike Commercial that somehow never made it to TV. Pure awesomeness.

Thursday, January 07, 2010

The one thing we DID win on Monday....

I hope this article is sent to every recruit across this nation. This is what TCU has to offer. God Bless Texas Christian University!

Separate But Equal Bowl Proves It's Time for Equality

Tuesday, January 05, 2010

Happy New Year boyz.
This week I am writing a story about electric cars coming to Costa Rica. Today at an interview, they let me test drive one.
How do I look??
Note: The company president in the passenger seat was about 6´3´´

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

It's Time to Fiesta
by Kevin Dalrymple

Thursday, December 24, 2009

What a season....
This is an awesome 2009 montage video

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Happy Birthday C.B.!

Monday, December 21, 2009

Merry Christmas Everyone

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Of all the things we like/love, who has the deepest passion for the subject that follows their name:

Kevin: Football
Miller: Girls asses
Weiss: Gino
Clint: Texas (the state)
Lubahn: saying the word "Dude"
Portillo: the longevity/durability of his Acura
Mazur: Manly, constructive activity
Faust: Indie Rock
Chambers: Trucks
Williams: Presenting an oppositional point of view

This is a challenging vote. Feel free to alter your passion to what better represents you but kids and wives are not allowed. Too obvious.

This is the 500th post in Blog history.

L.T. Representing!

Friday, December 11, 2009

I saw Lubahn cruising University on my way to work yesterday morning. He was going 9. As in miles per hour. I waved to him, but he couldn't see me through the fog in his car.

Wednesday, December 09, 2009

Year in Review

I went through the blog archives to see how many times each person posted. I literally have nothing to do this week at work. So I have to look busy. This graph made me look busy.

Also, any nominees for post of the year?

Tuesday, December 01, 2009


What if TCU never happened?

What if a 12th grade education was all you mustered?

Where would you be?

Pick somebody and tell their story. It can be a sentence (Chambers) or a sonnet (Williams)... I guess I will pick Lubahn because of the above picture.

Never leaves Minnesota. But still managed to snake his educated Darling back to Minnesota and marry up. He leaves Winona for the bright lights of LaCrosse, Wisconsin. There his wife supports his hopes of becoming a minor league hockey player as he battles in the semi-pro adult circuit.

Sadly, his youngest of 9 children chokes on a tater tot, and though Brent was successful in reviving the youngster, his jean shorts (he never met me so his wardrobe never evolved) got caught fire on the space heater. His legs were burned and his hockey career was over. He moves back to Winona. Alex, his youngest brother, got him a job driving the Zamboni before the 3rd period of the Winona Pirates' Pee-Wee hockey games.

In the words of Richard Mazur,"get your education."

Friday, November 27, 2009

At least UT football grads are intelligent.

Monday, November 23, 2009

Did yall see what happened to Lubahn last game?

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

I know it's the lazy man's blog to just post a video. But this talk show with Zach Galifianakis is one of the funnier things I have seen. The one with Bradley Cooper may be even better. Sorry, if I am late to the party on this one.

Friday, November 13, 2009

Congrats Adam

For those that aren't aware our local IC graphic artist is being recognized by the local Houston art community for several of his pieces of work with Love Advertising.

Give him some's a big deal.

(Please refrain from all "get off his cock", "dicksucker", and/or any ass kissing references...our friend did well)

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Shown on ESPN recently... Short 2 minute video on History of TCU Football

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Our Favorite Ginger....

Now a HEISMAN canidate - Click Here
And he is still just a Ginger!... I mean a Junior!


Did you guys hear about the new uniforms we are breaking out for Saturday??

Monday, November 09, 2009

Alright Funny People, Give me your best sign for Saturday...

Biggest TCU game probably since Slinggin' Sammy Baugh! Colin Cowherd and many more across the country are calling the Frogs the best team in the country. Just went on and all of the Upperdeck is sold out already, all that is left is vistors section and endzones. This weekend is going to be INSANE! We'll be making signs Friday night, either at Piel's or Mazur's house, waking up at 5 AM Saturday morning and will be in the front row for GameDay. So lets see if the IC can come up with some clever sign ideas. Go Frogs!

Texas Christian University Horned Frogs - Official Athletic Site

Wednesday, November 04, 2009

Our boy Adam loves writing about malls...

Not to take away from our boy, but do you remember how hot Alicia Silverstone once was?