Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Hey Brent Lubahn
Come Visit Costa Rica
We don't bite.

Tuesday, March 09, 2010

For those that don't know my house has been for sale for a little over a month and we will be moving back to the Land of 10,000 lakes. As of today we have a closing date of 4/15 with a departure date of 4/18.

Both Melissa and I would like to see everyone before we depart if at all possible. She is planning a gathering the night of 3/27, but I wanted to get some discussion going within the IC to see if we could get together.


Monday, March 08, 2010

i struggle with existence.

happy monday.

here's the gift:

here's the reality:

Friday, March 05, 2010

IC Olympiad comes to unforgettable close

It's all said and done here in Vancouver and, as we look back at the two weeks that were, we recap the unforgettable instances from the events and competitors that left an indelible mark on the Winter Olympiad. The games may never be the same.

For me, it was the biathlon competition that continues to swim in my mind. It's actually caused me some sleepless nights of late.

Representing the province of Round RockHard, Marc "the marksman" Miller will forever be remembered for bringing the obscure sport of the biathlon into the international eye. On race day, despite torrential snowfall Miller elected to wear only an unzipped olive fleece, rose colored shorts, wayfarer sunglasses and his skis. Wielding his favorite rifle on his back, Miller started slow before reverting to a series of somewhat unsportsmanlike tactics to advance in the group. In eighth place, Miller moved into 7th by stabbing a Slovakian skiier in the calf with his skipole. He moved into sixth after causing a Polish skier to dry-heave when he blew what he later called his "intergalactic lactic burp" into the Pole's face, and into fourth by "coconut-ing" the heads of a Canadian and Finish skier. With only 500 meters remaining, Miller and crew stopped to fire at the targets. After scoring direct hits on the first two targets, Miller's third shot richocheted off the top of the target and struck the wife of the third place Russian skiier in the vagina. She screamed for her husband who pulled himself from the competition to attend to his ailing wife. Interestingly, it was Miller's first miss of the competition and it appeared he said "oops" and smirked when he heard the shout of the woman.

Now in medal contention, Miller neared the first two competitors as they raced for the finish line. Miller then reached into his fleece and withdrew an empty bottle of green tea. Miller burped into the bottle and added tin foil before capping it. A la MarioKart, Miller then lobbed the bottle in the path of the Swede and Norwegian. The bottle burst and a brownish haze rose into the air, causing both skiiers and 18 audience members to collapse into the snow. Miller, hands held high in triumph, skiied across the finish line, where he removed his fleece and cackled laughed. In a post race interview where he was questioned on the fairness of his victory, Miller responded to the question with a question of his own. "Does quiefing hurt?" Stunned, the reporter did not respond. Miller then answered, "Neither does winning." Later that night in the Olympic Village, Miller reportedly slapped a Mountie with his gold medal and pissed on Apollo Ohno's dormroom door.

Wednesday, March 03, 2010

this is probably the fastest mock up, and comedy after sketch, in... like... ev...... er. where do they find these actors? i mean seriously.

adub-- are these guys from your chigacocacarican improv group? i love the 3rd world, or is it 3rd ward? either way, do what the president does and hope.

FACTS: don't worry i am jaques clouseau.

culprit: tom. possible alias.

last observed: leaving city-transit after taking part in municipal assault of native negro americanoid.

possible/known aliases and-or call-sign: slicknamtom.

that's really all i can think of this fellow, as far as partially witty nicknames go. his beard is way cooler than mine.

he's likely a jarhead, or stinted san quentin (go where you want with those)--the recently shut down bay area joint.

mind you this all occurred in oakland.

i'd love to hear comments about tom's little episode at the end, about mama.

there will likely be a rematch for money, televised. and then orgies and cocaine for nam-tom.

tom-tom to endorse amid overnight stardom--in other news.

tangent to this nonsense: if you can pull off bitch-slapping someone today, and, i mean, they really gotta deserve it, try not to think twice. it is thursday after all. but seriously, it can't just be any arbitrary beating of the chest and monkey peacockery. and she better be able to take a smackin' to too.

toodles... kisses,

marcus aurelius

p.s. my life life is cooler than y'alls... neener neener neener. don't worry, bad karma will strike any moment now.

Monday, March 01, 2010

Who watched the hockey game yesterday? I watch all 60 minutes, probably the first time I have ever done that in my life. I was pretty entertained. Here is a little fun to get you through the Monday afternoon:

Nintendo Ice Hockey
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Friday, February 26, 2010

Which IC member is most likely to sport this shirt at the next TCU Game? My $ is on Mazur
Molson anyone??

"Let us so live that when we come to die even the undertaker will be sorry."
-Mark Twain

Get crazy people. Mr. Twain said so.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

The IC Winter Olympiad

Ten days into the XXI Olympiad and, as the magic of the winter games would have it, we have seen a myriad of stories thus far from Vancouver. There have been moments of triumph, moments of pain. Moments heartwarming, moments heartbreaking. And, as always, mixed into it all, we've seen a splash of the bizarre and a dash things downright inexplicable.
Let's recap. 

Starting off in the two-man bobsled, Weiss & Bear, the upstart kids representing the separatist nation of San Anton, proved that proper guidance pays dividends. Coached by Gino, 6-time summer and winter games Gold medalist, and Ginger, known as the "bobsled whisperer", the San Anton duo took Bronze over the weekend. Through 3-quarters of the race, the duo held a World Record time, though fell to 3rd when Weiss showed Kevin a Sean Elliott highlight video he uploaded on his Iphone. The distracted duo slammed into the barrier, flipped, and violently jostled across the finish line. During the awards ceremony, trainer Gino showed his disappointment by shitting on Brian's New Balances during the San Anton national anthem, which is a 12-minute chant of "Go Spurs Go!". President David Robinson was not impressed.

In the Luge, the Gold Medal was stripped by AusTexndian speedster Matthew Chambers when it was learned his Luge had four-wheel drive, glass packs and room for 19 people. Upon his disqualification, Chambers played the heart strings of the judges when he unearthed his son Luke (pronounced "Luge") from within his 4x4 apparatus. Chambers was quoted as saying, "As a kangaroo to a joey, I carry he with me always." Though not awarded a medal, the anthem of AusTexndian was played in honor of the proud father. The AusTexndian anthem consists of gun shots, deers screaming, Charley Daniels and Ice Cube.

The Ice Dancing competition is the one event that has created the most buzz this week, as we saw the first attempted murder in Olympiad history. Representing the little nation of "Love fUK", a British isle, Adam Faust, known as Fairy Blood, wowed the crowd with his display of angry acrobatics, as he screamed while fluttering through the air doing a triple lutz, and appeared to cry on two occasions during the 3-minute routine. Faust's stirring performance wowed the crowd, but judge Brian Boitano stripped him of a half point for his cacophonous shout of "Queer Scabs!" as his routine came to a close. The point adjustment, which dropped Faust to 4th, was learned by Faust as he worked out on his Ab-Roller after the routine. Smiling, Faust approached Boitano with the Ab-Roller and began hammering the 5'2'' Boitano, savagely yelling, "Now who is the Queer scab?! Now who is the Queer Scab?!" Faust has been removed from all official Olympic records and his performance here is never to be rebroadcast again.

In the speed skating competition, former freestyle walking ace Lee Portillo, representing Chile (the dog, not the country), generated some controversy this week as, in a perceived strategic manuever, chose to wear an all-white skating jersey, which matched both his skin tone and the color of the ice. During his first heat, all that could be seen of Portillo was his 5 oclock shadow and the black Puma emblems of his skates. Using this invisible-man esque appearance, "stubble" as he was referred to by announcers, became somewhat of a Vancouver sensation, as fans around the Olympic village have attempted to emulate his skin-matching chameleonic wardrobe. After crushing the competition through the first several rounds, "Stubble" added to his lore by showing up to Finals with only one skate. When asked where his other skate was, Portillo answered, "Uhhhhh, maybe in my car. Don't know." Without his needed skate and wearing only stained blue jeans, Stubble wasn't much of threat in the finals, finishing 8th at a time of 2 hours and 18 minutes.

The first snowboarder from Central America may have actually caused his country more disappointment than pride, as Adam Williams of Costa Rica had what Al Michaels, in his typical quotable way, referred to as "The most unforgettably forgettable performance in Winter Games history". Racing against 4 other competitors, Williams halted the start of the race when it was learned the track was of "Blue" moutain status. Williams, who says he only does "like really short Green hills", actually took off his snowboard in protest and walked the track, throwing snow at competitors and stopping to puke near the first set of moguls. When asked about his performance and decision to remove his board, Williams told reporters, quote: "I was a Division One athlete." He then paused and asked "Were you?" Before ample time was given to respond, he stated, "I didn't think so." He then cackle scream laughed and farted in the direction of the camera. The fart was reported as smelling quite bad.

Stay tuned for the remaining four events....
Get on board because these guys are solid.....another nice win today to make it to the final 4!

Tonight's game between Canada and Russia should also be an excellent game.

Hockey is far and away the most exciting sport to watch on TV.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

it's safe to skip to 30min mark... pretty swell guy, that lolly drama.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

I sent forwarded this out from my iphone to a handful of IC members last night, but I think it deserves blog. This just happened 2 days ago. Notice the 67 year old's shirt.

Here's the article regarding the fight:

Friday, February 12, 2010

being the stellar amigo i am, i've taken the responsibility of tending to casa mazur for the week whilst they wither away in caribbean climes.

they come back from their 6 day trip tomorrow night, and so far the house is still intact dogs and all. but, dont think i couldnt figure out a way to screw something up.

dfw was hammered for 20 hours yesterday with snow, and most tree branches have taken quite a pounding. a foreign exchange student(read immigrant day laborer) showed up earlier and offered to remove all fallen branches in exchange for pesos or tamales. i politely refused his services, thinking to myself i'll just move the branches.

this incoherent conversation-his english, my spanish- turned interesting when sam, the lab, decided to dart down the street. dead sprint. adios.

my twisted gray matter's first thought is "fuck, if this dog is dead, im gonna have to give mazur back that 100 bucks."

it's a dog, he'll find his way back, right?

yes, all's well. 45 minutes later, a neighborhood missing dog advocate, and collar reader, managed to corral the curious canine.

funny sidenote-- neighbor says sam immediately started humping his dogs.

mazurs are gone for 24 more hours, what could possibly go wrong?

Monday, February 08, 2010

Watch CBS News Videos Online

Bob Schieffer on "The Super Bowl", (and a little love for the Frogs)

Saturday, February 06, 2010

i'm not an o'reilly fan, but stewart, i feel, is priceless. it's long, but worth it.

Friday, February 05, 2010

Monday, January 25, 2010

Monkey Mayhem

I'd like to think I have the dignity not to mock something for a physical defect, but I think I have reason here. Last weekend as I walked to my hotel room, a cleft lipped monkey crawled on an overhanging branch and hissed and sort of screamed at me, my roommate and the hotel guide. We all started running.

Five minutes later, he appeared again at the end of the following video.

Mazur, your wish is granted. Though not the genuine article, these two New Orleanian gentleman are surely related. (No souls were Photoshoped in the posting of this picture)