Friday, June 18, 2010

The United States' Bogus Journey

After a gimme goal against England, karma strikes back. There was no offsides and the only foul that should have been called was on those filthy Slovenians. A country I once knew nothing about, but for whom now I have a strong distaste. This call sickened me. 

I think the World Cup is the best sporting event in the world.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Faust is a modest man but this is his latest work. Valuable stuff for you Dad's out there...

Boom! Father Of The Year?

Does anyone else think it is odd that a man who was stabbed 11 times in the face, neck, and back and had a bottle broken on his face while patronizing a place called the Buzz Club could be such an enormous pussy on the basketball court? I do.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Madelyn Rose Mazur 
Congratulations, Ashley and Michael. She's balling out of control.

Wednesday, June 09, 2010

Chambers: Tanzania: Hunter of precious animals, untamed, rugged, open to unprotected sex

Lubahn: Turkey - sneaky, seemingly silent and suddenly a nuclear threat, accustomed to cold, eat lots of soup. Turkish-born Hedo Turkoglu is one of Lubahn's favorite NBAers.

Portillo: Nicaragua - Cheap, disorganized, dirty, fun, run by a dictator with fun-loving, well-traveled wife

Brown: Brazil - Sweaty, likes women and a good time, expected to be wealthy soon, has hidden things lurking in its jungle

Faust: France - Aggressive and sometimes rude, well dressed, smokes, wears scarves, on a quest to out hipster everyone else

Miller: North Korea: Intriguing, threatening, bullying, improving, and run by a zany miltant cat with a taste for women

Weiss: Thailand: Great to visit, fun, capital is Bangkok (like penis), sometimes troubled by in-fighting

Bear: USA: Lovers of capitalism, TV sport packages, Whataburger and the only country you can get a BWI.

Mazur: Israel: Wealthy, calculated, will bomb you if you come on their property and/or steal your fucking aid boat without remorse

Butz: Russia: Biggest country in world, gritty, efficient, cold, run by a man who appointed himself Prime Minister after his Presidency just so he could still run shit

Williams: Greece: Lots of beach time, darkish complexion, loves eating, looking for large financial bailout package

Tuesday, June 08, 2010

Be Afraid
Has anyone else seen this? We get movies late here and reporters get free tickets for "screenings" of movies that were out 4 months ago in the U.S. I go to just about all of them and, to date, this might be the worst one I've seen yet.

Tracy Morgan, Sean William Stifler and Bruce Willis in a movie directed by Kevin Smith - Gotta be half-decent, right? Wrong.

Or maybe it's me. In one scene, Willis makes a goofy yelping sound and then kills a man. Costa Rican audience = riotous laughter. Me = stunned.

Monday, June 07, 2010

this will happen in our lifetime. it's safe to skip to the ten minute mark.


So, we only have a couple days until the World Cup. Is every one still interested in throwing in $5 to make the cup a little more interesting.

Please let me know.

The link is below.

Don't eat yellow snow.

Friday, June 04, 2010

More Simpsons? Last one, yo lo promise. Couldn't stand looking at a link that I couldn't view any longer. Where is Butz when we need you most? Don't say Peru. That's just a cop out.

World Cup...7 days and counting...

Wednesday, June 02, 2010

commentary please.

if you're too busy you don't have control of your life, or, you're not really interested. ish.

Tuesday, June 01, 2010

Choice ish. Thank me later...

Monday, May 31, 2010

Simpsons baseball classic.

Miller. Up for Rangers game part Deux? (minus post-game arrest)

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Williams get slammed

There are a lot of crazy gringos in Costa Rica. Most are old or retired or came here to run away from something. Nonetheless, they speak English and I happen to write for the only English speaking publication in the country.

Often, these crazy people write me. About two weeks ago, I wrote about the comparisons of attending both the US inauguration and the Costa Rican one.

Yesterday, I received the following, adressed to AW:

"Do you wear a dress? I'd think by the gushy simpering girlishness piece you wrote about the Transfer of Powers that you probably wear a plaid jumper with a white blouse and white socks...and a Mickey Mouse wristwatch.

Maybe you spend too much time with your mom and sis?
Grow some balls.
All the touchy-feely shit is just that: It's shit.
And you're brushing your teeth with it.

(At this point, I was like "oh snap" cuzin, but then he went all crazy anti-semite with some of the following excerpts)

"The Jewish controlled media controls your country"
"An FBI contact told me that Rahm Emmanuel sends Obama out for Kosher Pizza"
"Brent Lubahn quiefs like a guppy"
"Obama wears penny loafers with white socks and or khaki trousers. That punk is as down as Doris Day"
"Obama wears a yamuakha"
"Nick Butz raped an ab-roller"
"Take 20 years off Chinchilla (Costa Rica's female Prez) and give her some acid and she might be a good-looking middle aged woman"
"Lee Portillo won a Newberry award for Fiction"

He then closed with:
"Boy, you need to lay off the Michael Jackson videos"
(A la a Highlights magazine, some of the aformentioned quotes may be altered from their original state. Can you find them?)

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Name This City

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Faust, here is my entry fee to your World Cup Pool

KFC didnt give me a receipt for some reason, so here is the final 1/6 of the sandwich as proof that I consumed it in my garage on Sunday afternoon. I hope it satisfies the deal the same way it satisfied my stomach. It was fucking delicious, but never again!

Monday, May 24, 2010

Mitch Albom's real ears have never been photographed in their entirety. First one to find a full picture of these wings wins free q-tips for a year. I've never noticed this before, and I give the guy credit for keeping them shrouded from the world.

I think the guy seems like a dick.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

good movie

Friday, May 21, 2010

Those who do not like Jimmy Buffett concerts are those who have never been. Last night was #5 for me and their will be plenty of more to come.

Write the Future
