Thursday, May 27, 2010

Williams get slammed

There are a lot of crazy gringos in Costa Rica. Most are old or retired or came here to run away from something. Nonetheless, they speak English and I happen to write for the only English speaking publication in the country.

Often, these crazy people write me. About two weeks ago, I wrote about the comparisons of attending both the US inauguration and the Costa Rican one.

Yesterday, I received the following, adressed to AW:

"Do you wear a dress? I'd think by the gushy simpering girlishness piece you wrote about the Transfer of Powers that you probably wear a plaid jumper with a white blouse and white socks...and a Mickey Mouse wristwatch.

Maybe you spend too much time with your mom and sis?
Grow some balls.
All the touchy-feely shit is just that: It's shit.
And you're brushing your teeth with it.

(At this point, I was like "oh snap" cuzin, but then he went all crazy anti-semite with some of the following excerpts)

"The Jewish controlled media controls your country"
"An FBI contact told me that Rahm Emmanuel sends Obama out for Kosher Pizza"
"Brent Lubahn quiefs like a guppy"
"Obama wears penny loafers with white socks and or khaki trousers. That punk is as down as Doris Day"
"Obama wears a yamuakha"
"Nick Butz raped an ab-roller"
"Take 20 years off Chinchilla (Costa Rica's female Prez) and give her some acid and she might be a good-looking middle aged woman"
"Lee Portillo won a Newberry award for Fiction"

He then closed with:
"Boy, you need to lay off the Michael Jackson videos"
(A la a Highlights magazine, some of the aformentioned quotes may be altered from their original state. Can you find them?)


marcspoke said...

isn't it your journal-lee duty to say nothing, or the other way around?

The Bear said...

Whenever I write to journalist they usually respond back. I try not to get over the top but just express my opinion and why I completely disagree with theirs. I have been in a few heated emails with Buck Harvey and Richard Justice (both happen to be UT alumni and were making some jabs at the TCU attendance numbers, yes ADub, I know I am a sports enthusiast).

Williams, good job on doing what you are doing. Now please follow up my comment with an anti-sports/politics is all that matters comment.

Adam said...

I also like sports.

The NBA is rigged.

Orlando in 8.

In game seven Pierce will shoot a fadeaway as time expires. All the power in Orlando will go out and Stern will call for a game redo. Orlando will win Game by 191 points.

The Bear said...

Ok Donaghy... why have the Spurs won 4 NBA Championships if the league is rigged? Why were the Spurs swept last series against Phoenix in which was suppose to be a "7 Game Classic"? The NBA conspiracy theory is tiresome, David Stern has WAY too much to lose by rigging games.

On another note, I think Jeff Van Gundy is one of the greatest color anaylist of our time.

L said...

T Moonnnneyyyyyy

Adam said...

I was kidding about the rigging, a la Game 8.

At least you didn't overreact...yikes...

Faust said...

You didn't get f' slammed though. I dont want that to get lost in all of this....

Adam said...

I know. I was being sarcastical.

As for the Tico Times, thanks for reading. There's only 4 reporters, so I am usually top story once every 2 weeks or so.

As for bananas, it's an export based, heavily agrarian economy. When a country's forge free-trade agreements with CR, they always want their bananas. (CR was one of the original "banana republics")

I bet one of you will eat a Costa Rican banana tomorrow.

marcspoke said...

Adam said...

I'm glad you know of it.

I actually read a book called Bananas this year about United Fruit. Powerful stuff.

Brown said...

How long did it take you?

marcspoke said...

chiquita chico.