Friday, October 26, 2012


My new company is really into Halloween. It's a little strange.

You can see the disparate effort i put into my pumpkin relative to the rest.  (although, no surprise i found a way to get some face time.)

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Run it back

Faust Wedding a video by lmatthew11 on Flickr.

Friday, October 12, 2012

Just barely the best thing to happen to me while at a pollo loco.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Tuesday, October 09, 2012

Geeks in the FW Star-Telegram

Portillo, do you live in LA or is that just what your shirt says Brah?

Thursday, October 04, 2012

Trevone Boykins

... He is suppose to have a cannon of an arm too. If he can pull off more runs like these then it will be Casey who?? GO FROGS
Oh No, Not Again

Rangers dropped 9 of last 13 and are first team in MLB history to piss away a 5-game division lead in final 9 games of season. They were in first place for 161 games of the 162-game season.

Keeping the faith for a playoff run. Fearful that there's a Tex-Hex. I think Thurman Thomas is starting in RF tomorrow. Jim Kelly is pitching.

PS - F'ck David Freese.

Sunday, September 23, 2012

We're 30.

We're not that young anymore. Miller has more salt-n-pepper than a Golden Corral, Butz is an active AARP member, and Lubahn's oldest kid just applied for college. Wrinkles are showing up, hair is falling out and watching Tivo-ed episodes of "New Girl" with a bottle of Pinot is more enticing than going to a bar called Vertigo to stare at girls you won't talk to on a Saturday night.

But we are still young. We still have good metabolism, are the same age as professional athletes, and only get referred to as "Sir" by commission-earning teenaged bell-hops with pimples.

We are physically still considered "in our primes" for the most part, though still feeling young and still acting young are entirely different. Some elements of our youth and 20s should be retired, shelved and locked away post-30, only to be looked back upon with both fondness and shame, sort of like every other bad habit we've given up along the way.   

Ten Things to Give Up at 30

10. Going to stripclubs.
You went enough times between 21-30 to know you aren't missing much but a feeling of remorse, $11 drinks and clothes that wreak of a girl named Licorice who has two kids and lopsided implants.

9. Getting TOO drunk in public.
With your friends at a summer lakehouse or at a bachelor party, great. At a wedding or work outing or throwing up at a bar called anything O'Shea's on a Thursday is no longer justifiable.

8. Wearing a backwards hat. 
Do you still think Fred Durst is cool? Neither does anyone else.

7. Wearing T-shirts with clever slogans.
Showing up at a party or bar wearing a t-shirt that said something like "Beer is the reason I get up every afternoon" was hard to pull off five years ago. It is now impossible.

6. Posting on Facebook more than 1/Week. 
Sure everyone is doing it. Politicians, Bill Gates, LeBron, Snooki, Gino Weiss. Doesn't mean you should. If you're getting a haircut, think Chik-Fil-A fries are the best, or got some great shots of a Galveston sunset, no one cares. If they do, and "Like" your bullshit, it is because they too have as little to do as you do.


5.  Jager shots, Buttery Nipples, Long Island Ice-Teas, Coors Light. 
These are drinks you used to drink for the purpose of getting drunk or because you didn't know what else to order. We are not 20 and this is not The Library or The Cellar. Hold off on the group order of Red-Headed Slut shots (and see #9)

4. Jewelry.
If it is not a wedding ring, Goose's dog tags from Top Gun, or a hand-woven bracelet given to you by a young El Salvadorian boy before he died in a mudslide, take it off. Eventually you will look like a Pizza shop owner or an indie rocker. You are neither. 

3. Movie Quotes.
Yes, the movie was funny and yes a line from it might be applicable at the present time, but Billy Madison came out in 1995, and 11.3 million people have now quoted the "wolfpack" speech from the Hangover. Try to be original because "they may take our lives, but they'll never take... OUR FREEDOM!" (to make up our own jokes)

2. Video games, Fantasy Sports and Cargo Shorts.
If any of these apply to you, you likely know you are indulging in something past its expiration date. Whether it's playing Call of Duty or reading through CJ Spiller's projected stats versus the Bengals, you are fully aware you could and probably should be doing something better with your time. Like ridding your drawers of cargo shorts.

1. Smoking Weed.
Rapper Rick Ross referred to smoking weed as taking a vacation. You zone out, go numb for a few hours and have a mini-mind adventure. We've taken that adventure hundreds of times, and it is fun, but do you still need to "go on vacation" Tuesday night after dinner?  

Any and all arguments appreciated. Please include any additions you think worthy of making the list. 

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

I am using this post to announce that the official IC 2013 New Years trip this year will be to Cuba by way of Costa Rica. Fly into San Jose Friday December 28th. Fly out of San Jose Sunday, January 6th. What happens in between will be Castro-tastic. Who is with us?

Monday, September 17, 2012

My girlfriend's company made this vid in lovely Central America. She helped with script. I think it's pretty funny and more impressive than Miller's band.

Friday, September 14, 2012

I read a story today about three lions escaping from a Guatemalan circus and eating a "yegua." I didn't know what a yegua was in Spanish so I looked it up. Below is the defintion from Apparently a yegua is one of three things: a mare, a whore, or a bonehead. I like to think that the lions escaped and ate a whore, though maybe they ate the bonehead that left their cage open. (bonehead featured above)


Concise Oxford Spanish Dictionary © 2009 Oxford University Press:

yegua sustantivo femenino
  1. ( Zool ) mare
  1. (Chi fam)
    1. (persona torpe) bonehead (colloq)
    1. (puta) whore (sl)

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

I would see this in the theatre

Chicago Teachers Strike

Knowing that our one and only Adam Williams was once a part of the educational system in Chicago I thought he could provide some keen insight into what I think is an absolutely absurd situation!

Sunday, September 09, 2012

They Told Me Not To Smoke Drugs But I Wouldn't Listen

Featuring Zack Galifianakis in cartoon form.

Tuesday, September 04, 2012

Kevin: TCU Football Questions leading up to opening day

Impact of four players lost due to drug sting?

Kevin can you outline the significance of the four guys that were kicked off the team please? Were they good? How much is this going to hurt us this Big12 year?

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Do you have a job or a career?
"Don't let your happiness make somebody sad!"

Friday, August 24, 2012

Who's Going to Grambling? TCU kicks off their historic season two weeks from today. Katie and I will be in our old/usual tailgating spot. Who else do we have attending this inaugural game at the brand new 162 million dollar privately funded stadium?! Whos fucking pumped up about college football?! I might can get some extra tickets if anyone is interested in going up, just me know! Rif Ram Big 12!