Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Here's the deal; I have 2 rooms for us at the Hilton Chicago downtown for Saturday, Sunday, and Monday Night. The rooms are $189 a piece. If we have four to a room, which we will, it is $47.25 a person (It's $15.75 a night- that's like a pack of Parliaments, an Orangina, and a copy of Jane Eyre.

Well worth it.
I'm in.
Clint is in (he's sleeping with me).
Kev and Clay are in.
I think Mazur and Vaughn are in.
Portillo and Eleah are in.
Who else?
I will be flying from Chicago to London. This is my last hurrah.


Lee said...

Count me in for Saturday and Sunday night. I'm out of town on Monday but will chip in appropriately. :)

Lee said...

PS. Faust. That was really sweet how you got the "G" to go behind that building. No wonder you got accepted. :(

L said...

Lee, he already wears a size 8 hat...

Faust said...

Thank you Leonardo for noticing the subtleties in my design.

Lubahn, I have a big head. It's huge. I know this.

But you're as fertile as a Sperm Whale. Put a hat on that thing.

Adam said...

I'm out...

Haha...You guys are idiots

marcspoke said...

can we expand the number of rooms available? i was... uh, er, um... gonna have trista come celebrate the new year in chicago.

Faust said...

I don't know if we can, are you for sure going to come?

I hope so.

Anonymous said...

anydody down for a "side-by-side" NYE?

Brown said...

I'm rolling in on Friday and leaving on Monday. Faust, did you get Friday night? If not, I'll go hole to hole with Williams. I'm down for Saturday and Sunday night.

marcspoke said...

i'm in... if need be i'll get a room for trista and i.

Faust said...

Fuck Yes! Miller makes it a party.

email TJ... and tell him you want your own room....

Anonymous said...

So I'll ask again. Anybody down for some side by side action? I'm looking at you piper!

marcspoke said...

who's the pussy?

Faust said...

seriously. That is my lover, anonymous ass.

The Bear said...

Faust, nice job on the 'new' inner circle. Looks good.

Faust said...

Gracias, Kevin. Do you remember Brent "Weekend at Bernie's" Lubahn that night? We couldn't wake him up with a Rock Cooler in his ear and Gino peeing in his mouth.

The Bear said...

Haha, yup I remember. I believe the pics were taken from my camera.