Friday, October 20, 2006

The Inner Circle

Peep this deleted clip from the new Borat movie...can't wait..



Lee said...

weiss what are you doing up at 4 am crack head?

Adam said...

And Whaddis dis?

That's Cheese also.

Is dis da rice?

Qualidy mate.

Faust said...

I like when asks, "is dis a da coffee?"

BDub_210 said...

Thats 2 a.m pacific Portillo... WBy the way, what are you doing texting me and asking the score to the Lousianna Lafayette score you degenerate?

Is dissa rice?

Lee said...

Remember b-dub. Don't hate, reciprocate. I needed the score because there was a meeting in my living room last night and I was banished to the room without the TV and computer. Also I am too cheap to look at the web on my phone but I prepaid tests so I hit you up. Oh and Thanks for the great karma, the Uths went down to the Lobos and I blame your cockaphoney attitude. Dont be a dude with a tude ok?

BDub_210 said...

I sense the "toodage" coming from your direction. Maybe we're both dudes with tudes? Sorry I ruined your karma by revealing the score to you as requested. BTW, what kind of meeting goes down at the Protillo/Ayliah household? If it was a gamblers annonymous, you probably shouldn't of skipped out.


Lee said...

Well done my friend.