Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Want to know what to watch in the new Fall Season? Here are a couple of shows I'd like to spotlight…

Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip - NBC, Mondays – Aaron Sorkin (writer of The West Wing and Sportsnight) The show is based on the cast and crew of a Saturday Night Live-type show. The dialogue is quick and witty. It is very funny and I have watched all three episodes, and it is the only show I watch every week besides The Office.
WHO SHOULD WATCH: Williams, Butz, and Miller

30 Rock – NBC, Wednesday – Oddly enough, this show is also about a Staurday Night Live-type show. But this one is a 30 minute sitcom aimed more on laughs than drama. With Tina Fey, Tracy Morgan and Alec Baldwin (he’s better at humor than drama, because he is a joke), this show should be worth a few good chuckles.
WHO SHOULD WATCH: Williams, Chambers, Weiss

Friday Night Lights – NBC, Tuesday (Premeires Tonight) When I saw the first previews for this show I thought this would be a terrible spin-off. It turns out it might be the best show on television in years. I have read reviews from the top critics who hail this show as “beautiful” and “real.” Two of the most complimentary adjectives, and ones rarely used to describe a tv show. The only thing that hurts this show is the name, because I believe many viewers will assume (as I did) this show is merely a rara sis boom ba version of the acclaimed book.
WHO SHOULD WATCH: Mazur, Portillo, Dalrymple, Brown

A few others….

If you like 24, check out Kidnapped
If you like Lost, check out The Nine
If you (or your girly) like Sex and the City, check out Ugly Betty
If you like House, check out Heroes
If you like Deal or No Deal, check your pulse

- Adam Faust, American Television Critic


L said...

Friday Night "I think I've seen this before" Lights. Hmmm...hurt star QB with backup coming in - See Varsity Blues. Black/White Issue resolved through training in rain - See Remembering the Titans. Did this guy come up with anything new?

Faust said...

I see what you're saying. There are some cliches, especially with the hurt star QB. The QB in Varsity Blues was not paralyzed, and I felt the scene with the doctor using the bone-saw to cut open his helmet was very effective. Also, the white guy specifically says it is not a black/white issue. And the black guy has a personality, instead of just being the token black guy. The story is more about the town than the team. It is also shot very gritty, and not like other shows.

Lets not pass such early, superficial judgement on a potentially good show.

Faust said...

Best show on television since Seinfeld.

Adam said...

Yeah Faust, props on the Office...

Wait, why I am propsing you?

Good job Steve Carrell.

Mazur, props on propsing Faust for a show that deserves props


Faust said...

Don't be bitter becuase I write and direct the Office, Rog.