Tuesday, February 06, 2007

On a boat in Trinidad and Lubahn calls. Lubahn calls no one and when he does...wait he doesn't. I asked him if it was an emergency. He said no so I told him I had to work and hung up on him. We are friends.

P.s. I didn't have to work.

P.s.s. I'm just kidding Lubahn.


L said...

Chambers you are nothing without your chinstrap....

Kicks to the Shins,

Faust said...

Brilliant work C-Bone.

L said...

Mazur loves men........

The Bear said...

I enjoy Chamber's posts.

The Bear said...

Don't get jealous Faust.

Faust said...

You're a dick.

I have an ego the size of the Thames.

Anonymous said...

this is true and you also have a big head.

friends? probably not any more mr. huddleston.