Monday, May 11, 2009

2009 NBA Finals



BDub_210 said...

Why did Cuban talk shut to K Mart's mama the day before mother's day? What a classless pussy. K Mart and his mom would melt Cuban's ass. Trina might get up in his guts too.

Faust said...

Because he is Mark Cuban. He is classless. That is what he does.

But I am proud of the Mavericks- not of Cuban. I think when a team wins a game 4 after being down 3-0 and having an egregious call go against them in Game 3 that shows real character.

Things have become very ugly in the Cuban/KMart debacle.;_ylt=AuzWxRILqUO.d66WAzaAR.85nYcB?slug=jy-nuggetsmavs051209&prov=yhoo&type=lgns

The Bear said...


Faust said...

unnecessary, Kevin.

BDub_210 said...

Not that bad of a non call in my unbiased opinion. Wright should have bear hugged melo instead of swiping at the ball. Who is that guy anyways? Also, why did Dallas drop streamers from the rafters like they just won the NBA Finals? Do they do that after every home game victory? Someone please post a pic of Dirk's dame! She is a real looker.

Faust said...

dude, why are you guys talking shit? It would seem to me that this would be one scenario in which I wouldn't be talking shit if I were a Spurs fan.

The Bear said...

The MAIN thing Wright should have done was told the ref he was going to foul.

21 - 20

marcspoke said...


The Bear said...

Im not talking Spurs/Mavs shit, yall handed it to us.... Just like I have handed to you in tennis for 3 straight wins.

The Bear said...

21 - 20

The Bear said...