Friday, May 15, 2009

If I got someone to manufacture these, do you think they could sell?


marcspoke said...

i bet they'd sell... to phi delts and kappa sigs... oh, and tri delt and kappas... and their drunk, eccentric parents.

Adam said...

Others to don Horned Boots:

* chi-os with white dresses, big brown oversized belts, DG sunglasses

* Laura Phipps

* Ashley Cannon and her entourage of lemmings

* Burkitt Jensen

* Jason Burks

* Kevin Dalrymple

* Portillo's final touch to his spray painted purple suit

* David Potter, who years later would be seen with UT boots

Michael said...

i agree......there's a market for dem booots.

The Bear said...

I would buy a pair right now if you're selling.

Birdshit Jensen, really?

L said...

David Potter is a dueche

Got me Williams,