Tuesday, June 30, 2009

The Mythical GI JOE Aircraft Carrier

Did any of you have this? What about other great toys?

Optimus Prime?
Starter Jacket?

Were you the weird kid that had to keep his toys in boxes?
Did you have friends that you used just b/c they had cool toys?
Were you that kid?

I am trying to remember, but nothing that spectacular comes to mind. My parents are lovely people, but I feel like they were always just a bit off (ie I relentlessly begged for a Starter jacket and ended up with a f' Proline Jacket)



marcspoke said...

colorado buffs jacket... used to keep legos in giant rubbermaid bucket. when i was pissed at my parents i'd dump the legos out all over the floor of my room. they'd come in late at night to check on me and would crash to the floor from stepping on lego.

no mercy for the weak.

Faust said...

I would booby trap my entire living room in thread. I would wrap three or four spools around lamps, couches, and I think the first ever 6 Disc CD player. I was trying to capture bears and/or burglars. But I think all I ever accomplished was pissing off my dad. Same drill- no mercy for the weak.

L said...

I owned a Raiders Starter jacket from 6th - 8th grade and had over 10 different bindy things on the hood jacket laces.

"Bindy Things" - used to keep the jacket hood tight

The more colors and quantity you had the more money you were. I even had gold which was a tough one to get and keep.


L said...

BTW - Cobra till I die!

The Bear said...

I hated GI Joes. I dreaded going to my friend Dallas's house because he always played GI Joes. GI Joes were for wussys that couldnt catch a football.

Adam said...

I too hated GI Joe. I was a transformer kid and Star Wars kids.

When I was about 4, I got the Star Wars Rancor monster. He could open his mouth and pick things up. Unfortunately, what he ate could not be retrieved and just sat inside his plastic stomach. I fed him fried chicken. It rotted, and Rancor monster died from food poisoning.

I was also a neighborhood card shark. I got into baseball cards before other kids in my hood. I then scheduled trading times with every kid in the neighborhood and went to their homes to rob them of their best cards. I distinctly remember trading a Mike Huff card for a coveted Ken Griffey Jr. Upper Deck card. When the kid's mom learned of the transaction, she came to my house, swore at me in front of my family and took the card back. Weeks later I through a rock at her son and called him fat. Point, Williams.

picture of rancor monster:

Faust said...

That last comment is up for comment of the decade. I teared up.