Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Of all the things we like/love, who has the deepest passion for the subject that follows their name:

Kevin: Football
Miller: Girls asses
Weiss: Gino
Clint: Texas (the state)
Lubahn: saying the word "Dude"
Portillo: the longevity/durability of his Acura
Mazur: Manly, constructive activity
Faust: Indie Rock
Chambers: Trucks
Williams: Presenting an oppositional point of view

This is a challenging vote. Feel free to alter your passion to what better represents you but kids and wives are not allowed. Too obvious.

This is the 500th post in Blog history.


Faust said...

My judging was based on the amount of tears shed if one lost their beloved. Since my 'passion' already makes me cry I am out of the running. The two that stuck out to me were Weiss and Bear. I think tear volume would be equal if TCU lost in the national championship and if Gino was diagnosed with small pox.

So, I think it is a toss up between Kevin and Weiss.


The Bear said...

Faust, we have had this conversation before. When TCU loses I actually can take it pretty well. I think it is a huge misperception about me. Winning can make me cry like a baby and my passion definitely comes out then, however losing just kind of pisses me off for a little while. I think I have more issues when the Spurs lose than TCU, Im not sure why. I put my middle finger on my television set two nights ago in an attempt to flick off Steve Nash. Maybe it's because I played football for so long and I know the ends and outs better, but I can take TCU losing better than my own wife takes it. That's actually the truth.

But yes, I am passionate about sports, mainly football. That is fair. However, I would be much more devastated if something happened to my stepdog Gino than anything that has to do with sports.

Im not going to vote on this silly subject because some of these are not really passions. Williams, are you really passionate about presenting an oppositional point of view? If so, then you should go to law school. I think you are passionate about traveling and trying new things. That makes more sense to me. Lubahn saying the word "dude", now that's just funny.

marcspoke said...

i am passionate about ass, ass that look like two christmas hams.

Adam said...

Nice response Bear. I think you are more Spurs passionate than Frogs, which I should have included.

Lubahn has like 12 different intonations for his "Dude" delivery. Anger, laughter, disappointment, on-weed, off-weed, video game, finding Bailey's poop in his cereal and many, many more.

As for my oppostional POV, I think I was playing to the crowd, as I am often referred to as "antagonistic" in these parts. Thanks for the genuine response. I do like trying to new things and putting myself in new surroundings. You're a kind, beautiful yellow Bear.

BDub_210 said...

I like turtles.

The Bear said...

I wouldnt go as far as saying im more Spurs boner than TCU, basketball just frustrates me more when I watch it. Id much rather TCU win the National Championship than the Spurs win the NBA.

Michael said...

No disrespect to Weiss, but how in the fuck does Gino not fall into the "Too obvious" category. Gino plays both Kid and Wife to Weiss. Again, I'm not trying to be funny or make a joke or fart in weisss mouth, it's true.

If we don't change Bdub's passion he wins hands down. Anyone that disagrees is on peyote.

BDub_210 said...

I bought Ginksy a $400.00 custom cedar dog house/Sauna for X Mas.

Michael said...

See what I'm talking about. This is in the realm of possibility.

Part of me believes this man.

Adam said...

This is an excellent point. Brian Weiss is very, very much in love with Gino Pastrami Weiss.

Maybe Weiss's should be Crip-walking or free-style rapping or finding viral videos. Bdub likes viral videos mucho.

Faust said...

And why wasn't Lubahn's weed? He loves weed. Even if he doesn't smoke weed for thirty years he will always love weed.

Adam said...

I tried to find something else for Brant. He does love weed and I tried to find something else he loves to do, or does often. When I thought of him, I could only think of all the ways he says Dude. He says it a lot, when functioning normally or functioning high.

Any other modifications? What about Chambbone? He does like big trucks.

marcspoke said...

big trucks and ass.

The Bear said...

Chambers loves is evil sun tatoo.

Lubahn loves convincing people to do things so that he doesnt have to.

L said...

Certainly used to desire some irty here and there...

Dude is a versatile can be used with close friends who you feel comradery with but also with those that believe that you like them when really you just don't remember their name.

Mazur and Sam should not go hidden in the was pretty creepy for a while ther

Anonymous said...

big trucks and ass