Monkey Mayhem
I'd like to think I have the dignity not to mock something for a physical defect, but I think I have reason here. Last weekend as I walked to my hotel room, a cleft lipped monkey crawled on an overhanging branch and hissed and sort of screamed at me, my roommate and the hotel guide. We all started running.
Five minutes later, he appeared again at the end of the following video.
You bastards Goose-Egged Me!!
Lubahn, you wanted monkeys, you got monkeys!
it can't be helped, everyone is so busy with their lives and living and life.
i cant ever post the shit i want to because there are too many significant others that know about our digital rendezvous point.
a cleft monkey clings to trees, swings with ease.
keep it up, adub.
tcu rocks by the way. too many hot young chicks here.
"i cant ever post the shit i want to because there are too many significant others that know about our digital rendezvous point."
Marcus, you need to post anything that you want, if "others" are coming to this site then they enter at their own risk!
Then post the story about the time you got me arrested for pissing on a cop.
We're going to need a reply on that one, Brent. Adam has a good point.
I couldn't get the video to play
I vote we change the domain name. Not because it is called the adubhub but because I agree that too many outsiders are coming in (no, not Katie, Im talking about others who I will not say names) We should change it and keep it secret, I think everyone would feel better that way and plus Miller will post whatever is going on in that mind of his.
Williams, that is mean that you are making fun of a cleft lipped monkey, bad carma my friend.
i second the vote. change the name. and we'll push counter intel that the blog no longer exists, and that as extensions of the blog and not the other way around, we no longer exist.
Who else reads this? Honestly, we have a readership?
I'd like names of our readers.
I am not opposed to a name change, though 3.5 years of this domain has been a pretty solid run. I'd hate to see it go...
im betting the domain name will remain available, but i'll sell it to you just in case.
I also feel like the next Blogs need to be by Miller about his TCU life and/or posts by Brent and Brown about their northward relocations.
Miller, do you go to the Rickel a lot? Have you been to Fat Harry's? Have you...well, I'll stop there, now that I know Big Brother is monitoring this thread.
We voted a while back for a name change and people voted for it.
We just never agreed on a name. And since we never will I am more than happy to just pick one. I like to control EVERYTHING.
ive been to the rickel once since here, and i was there at 6am.
i acknowledge the existent of fat chicks now. in the past i would have completely ignored them, now i am a human.
in other news, we were morons at 18.
You weren't Miller.
Name change should just be:
Or should I not post the proposed name change because so many people will soon follow us there.
Someone please tell me three names of people that read this.
Are we more popular than the Huffington Post?
Needs to be more discrete
Damnit. Who really reads this and WHY are they reading it? They want to see what sports videos we post? I'm not understanding.
I'm with the Adam's...who really reads this blog? wife will jump once a month and laugh at me for the shit we have on here.
We can change the name but this secretive shit is just silly.
I like the February design. It's good.
Gracias. Does it look a little like a gay club?
No. Wait, now that you mention it, yes. Or like a German album cover, which I think probably looks like a gay club.
we should definitely go with a gay club name. ie, or we'd never be found then.
How about
it has an equally gay and stealth-like connotation.
The rear or reardoor.
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