Thursday, November 04, 2010

What sport is this anyway?


Michael said...

fucking canadians

Adam said...

Great find. Astonishing. Canadians are so fucking dumb.

I've met 1 out of 223 that I find interesting/intelligent. And she's Asian-Canadian.

My roommate is from Newfoundland. Newfoundland. I'll just let you make you make your own inferences, but keep in mind, he's the one who turned me on to Two and A Half Men.

Michael said...

canadians are bigger pussies than male lady bugs.

Adam said...

Now there's an instant classic

Faust said...

That phrase is now in my permanent rotation.

marcspoke said...

no idea, but can we go to a cowboy's game?

marcspoke said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
L said...

While entertaining I'm pretty sure it would have been easier to just run out of the end zone and kneel down at the 1 yd line.

Adam said...

So you understand the rules to this ridiculousness?

Also, should I just give up on the BDub rap?

At least put a poll up and vote on who's was better. Maybe that will motivate young Brian.

L said...

No I am just an active listener...the announcer gave the rules

Butz said...

What the fuck just happened? Is Lawrence Phillips playing in that league still? No way he comprehends those rules.