Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Zooey + Natalie = The Perfect Movie


marcspoke said...

i want to implant inevitably in natalie's mind.

marcspoke said...

backside. natalie's.

Faust said...

It is a wonderful image.

BDub_210 said...

"You quest the way you like,I will quest the way I like."

BDub_210 said...

Can you put the movie trailer link back up Faust. I am sickened by the Kummer blog. Merci.

BDub_210 said...

In retrospect, Pineapple Express was a huge letdown. Screw Natalie and Zooey...I want to see Mila Kunis and Natalie Portman get down in their "extreme" sex scene in Darren Arnofsky's 'Black Swan' in which they were rumored to be drunk on tequila. This is the same director/producer who made Jennifer Connelly do the infamous "ass to ass" scene in Requim For A Dream. I'm sure Mazur can depict the possibilities of the sexual encounter in the upcoming film.

BDub_210 said...

BDub_210 said...

Faust LOVES his job.

Brown said...

No lie, I have now watched the clip close to ten times... I'm a huge fan of my job.

Faust said...

Do you have a problem with the poll question, Brian?

Butz said...

If anyone cares, I would have selected "Rather stab myself in the rectum with broken bottle than wake up in the morning for work" if that was an option. It simply did not real right to only select "I do not like it."