Tuesday, January 25, 2011




marcspoke said...

marc of the beast to follow.

Adam said...

How many links does Marc Miller mail in a week?

I'm betting it exceeds 150.

I got 16 last week.

I went back and read them all this weekend. Some are interesting, though most reference the doom and gloom of the world and its impending armaggedon.

In Marc Miller's world, we are all Artax, the white pony that is too deep in a muddy shitpool to pry ourselves loose. Drowning is inevitable.

Be Atreau, Miller. Find a Falcor to fly you to a cloud castle and forget about Artax. The more you convince yourself that the world is destined to the fate of Artax, the more dour and muddied your lenses become.

Information is wonderful, but sitting in front of a computer screen ejaculating bad news into my world works aginst your efforts to "educate me" on the corrupt wrongs of a greed-driven society. Do I agree with some of it? Sure. But instead of searching for more information to bolster my purposeless theory, I'm actually enlightend to further enjoy myself.

I read "the world is fucked" stories, but mine isn't. My life is great. And so is yours, you naive American. You don't live in a mud-hut in Nicaragua. You live in FW, Texas, attend a school with a tuition that equals Botswana's GDP, live in Stonegate Villa with a hot tub and drop excess amounts of currency on whatever you want to, pretty much whenever you want to. (ie lottery cards)

If the world is fucked, then it sounds like you lived like a king, so quit saying it is 1984. You are not controlled, you are not monitored, you are not unable to engage in coitus when you want to. Now, run along, enjoy your jog through the park, your lunch on a patio around hot 20-year olds, your nighttime visit to a free library with 4 million books and a night's rest on your queen-sized waterbed.

Fucking Jackass.

marcspoke said...

i try to send only you the doom of the world stuff. all blog members feel free to reject excessive doom and gloom with expedient earnest courtesy, and then i'll just keep 'em to myself. you're right, no one likes unsolicited information/advice/anything unlosolocited, sullied. most of the info i send is just meant to take up free time you could've used for positive means, anyways... i win, you got annoyed.

keep hiding in the third world waterfalls, toucan sam. say hi to chilli, tboz, and lefteye...

we're all the same on this planet. or are we?

socially stratified and yours,

-size d breasts

Adam said...

I didnt get annoyed, I got worried that you are over-saturated in doom and gloom, which doesn't seem like a good place to be.

I actually like the stuff you send to a point, as most of it is interesting. But then it gets excessive, and then I remind myself the world has been pretty decent to us. But what do I know? I used to live in Stonegate Reserve.

marcspoke said...

oh, and im sorry that costa rica censors your internet and that the words are in spanish. babble. babel. baal.

marcspoke said...

i do love my life. i have great sex and sit in hot tubs as i see fit. i walk through a snow globe called tcu. my family is awkwardly functional and loving, although my sis and i definitely don't see i to eye, lovingly. now im wasting too much time, and so you will no longer suffer my linking you to info, as the umbilical chord is now unnecessary.

i feel like you're on the verge of a breakthrough. im hear/here for you when you need me. love, and if that doesn't work, kill.

Adam said...

You are a chimp.

marcspoke said...

i can do this all day, sally struthers.

Faust said...

That first comment was a really nice read, Adam. Even if it did get a little mean at the end.

I wish I was more concerned about the world around me. I tend to just focus on my time with my wife, walking my dog, and being the best damn graphic designer in Texas (one day the world). So, yeah, that's about it these days- I'm not much for doom and gloom anyway.

marcspoke said...

then pursuit of truth it is. and hot tubs. be it cynicism or skepticism, it is unhealthy. do i seem like i take it that seriously? i usually dont include much of my own opinion, but the dissemination trend is apparent. i do keep an assault rifle in proximity. to each his own on gun opinion. although this does seem like a ripe poll question. keep clicking on those ads every time you visit. blog money.

Butz said...

This thread is not what I am looking for after a long day at work. This much, I know.

Weiss, this is your cue for a Tosh clip.

Butz said...

PS - I left this Netflix ad open for 2 hours and I want my share. What about a low level race horse with the earning. We need to make sure it knows it is racing for its life. I have no problem eating non-racing horses.

marcspoke said...

butz, doesnt achub seem irritable? i almost feel like he went andy rooney on me just to practice his rantyness. maybe he's just lonely.

BDub_210 said...

Def Andy Unibrowed you. Interesting stuff. Amero, here we come!

Adam said...

You sent me 16 emails last week between 1am-2am. Most of them intimating conspiracy theories.

When it entered blog world, I ranted.

I immediately regretted and still do. Sorry Miller, sorry Butz. Let's forget this strand ever existed.

marcspoke said...

nope. scarred. deep. forever. pura vida.