Thursday, January 20, 2011

Adam Williams stabs Jessica Colson, Piper & Adam Faust 


BDub_210 said...

Faust looks real cool dancing to Miley Cyrus. It reminds me of that scene in American Pie I and II where they are dancing at the LakeBeach house and everyone tips their beer/drink in each other's direction as to say, "This is what its all about."

Michael said...

i love a dancing williams.

wtf were hurt locker chambers and miller blowing up in my backyard? It looks like there's a bonfire at the end of that clip.

Adam said...

When you attempt to insult someone by quoting American Pie, eesh, looks like the joke's on you Ozmeister.

Adam said...

After viewing this, I have to wonder, how I am not married yet? I'm a f'ing catch.

BDub_210 said...

You're fucking dancing to Miley Cyrus like a schizo. Jokes on you shitbrick.

Faust said...

Dude, be cool. I never claimed to be a strong dancer.

Piper made us watch this video like 4 times last night. She really enjoyed the "stab dance."

Michael said...

holy fuck. you can't be serious right now weiss. right? I thought you were joking? you're not serious, are you? it's fucking 2 in the morning on nye and you;re with your friends who you see 23 minutes a year. you've been drinking for 6 hrs; of course we're going to be dancing to miley fucking cyrus you shitbox. do you not know what people in this group, yourself included, do? for gods sake you battle rapped dj taco at fausts wedding, all the while looking a fool. everyone loved you for it. where'd you go and why is your pinky in the air? greg carpenter can be reached at 214-i'msofuckingcoolithurts. i'm sure he'd be down to tear it up proper with you.

Adam said...

I knew the American Pie comment would turn ugly.

Weiss, if you had been there, I would have willingly stabbed you as well.

BDub_210 said...

Yikes! I'm sorry. I truly did not mean to offend anyone. American Pie 2 is my favorite movie of all time. Chris Klein is the real reason I became a Tri Lamb.

BDub_210 said...

Here we go....

BDub_210 said...

Hey bro, Carpenter didn't answer my call for some reason. Do you have Kummer's number? Glasscock?

Challah at ya boi.


Thomas Ian Nicholas

marcspoke said...

should i chime in? yes. love it when mazur goes third reich blitz on some unwarranted jew bashing. i know, im opening a weiss flood fuck... take your anger out on me i deserve it, not williams... he was just trying to stab dance.

i feel bad now, brian was only trying to convey that he felt like he missed out.

i coulda taught you the scoop run!!!

Adam said...

they were trot dips...

Any videos or pics of trot dips?