Saturday, January 08, 2011

This reminded me of my office's conference calls.
Important Things with Demetri Martin
Lines - Conference Call
Funny JokesIt's Always Sunny in PhiladelphiaUgly Americans


Adam said...

Can we get more Dmitri Martin on this blog?

Dude is talented. Actually creates his own material, like any decent comedian.

Also the author of the world's longest palindrome, which is pretty impressive.

Titled "Dammit I'm mad"

marcspoke said...

dmitri marthead.

marcspoke said...

can you get me a job, clint? i want a job where i can act like a monkey and cuss and stuff.

The Bear said...

Funny stuff. I hate conference calls.

Butz said...

That is actually pretty close to real life. I do alot of flipping the bird and yelling on mute. My dick comes out of my pants alot also. Dimitri Martin is a funny guy. His stand up is great. His hair makes me mad.