From the looks of the current poll results, I appears I have done an adequate job of communicating my work displeasure. Is this a anonymous poll or can we find out who voted for what when it is complete? I chose the Lubahn event because that shit happens for real. I would lock mt doors. Children get fucking weird quick. They are playing with He-Man one day and burying She-Ra in the garden the next. Trust me.
From the looks of the current poll results, I appears I have done an adequate job of communicating my work displeasure. Is this a anonymous poll or can we find out who voted for what when it is complete? I chose the Lubahn event because that shit happens for real. I would lock mt doors. Children get fucking weird quick. They are playing with He-Man one day and burying She-Ra in the garden the next. Trust me.
"Trust me."
For no apparent reason I do.
I voted for Weiss slaying a high schooler. Weiss has slain me virally a few times.
(and that one night...)
Fuck Jason Terry.
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