Wednesday, May 04, 2011



Adam said...

This is awesome.

Was that against TCU?

I love the "I would visit you in the hospital with your mouths wired shut" line.

If Augie Gallardo had been the TCU soccer coach, we'd still have a program.

Adam said...

Also, Arcade Fire is coming to Houston. Damnit. You can't understand the envy fervor that boils within me.

Costa Rica's next big concert?

Miley Cyrus.

I think I am going.

After that, Whitesnake and Judas Priest are coming.

Bands come here on their deathbed and "rock out".

BDub_210 said...

Is Collective Soul opening?

How about Matchbox Twanky??

Mavs about to go up 2-0 on Flakeshow.

Faust said...

Not to twist the knife, but Piper and I attended said Arcade Fire concert last night. It was a top 5 all time show for me. That band has so many good songs.

And didn't smoke one snig.

Adam said...
