Tuesday, July 26, 2011

A little help from my friends

Dear friends,

Where are you? Why don't I know? Why do I feel obligated to write this post at 10:20 at night and add a Joe Cocker video as a plea, not to get "activity" on our blog, but to actually hear from you so that I have some sort of knowledge of what you are doing and who you are becoming?

Truth is, this is the place where I hope to get a little help from my friends. This is our "social network" that we don't have to share with 321 meaningless acquaintances that give you a "like this" thumbs up when you publicly post something inane about how you hate watery oatmeal.

Sort of tired of coming to this blog with my 10 best friends in the world and crossing my fingers that there will be a new comment.

So I ask, where are you? Where is Brown, where is Chambers, where is Butz, where is Mazur, where is Weiss, where is Lubahn, where o where is Portillo?

I'd really like to know what is happening in the world of my friends. We see each other 6 days a year (maybe) and, for me, this is the tool I use to keep up with everyone. I feel like if we let it die, we'll slowly become strangers and see each other at Miller's bachelor party in seven years and talk about how we used to be friends, or spend most of the time trying to wade through the disappointing awkwardness of the reality that we actually don't have a clue about who each other has become.

We have careers, kids, mortgages, debts and vices, but if they consume all of our time, then I feel like we're choosing them instead of choosing friends. If that is the choice, so be it, but I'm willing to fight it. Willing to take 386 seconds of my precious time and post something stupid about how eating rice and beans for breakfast has grown on me or why I think talking about weather is the worst conversation in the world unless there is a hurricane, mudslide or 10+ inches of snow.

I'm sure this is already too long, so I'll stop now and hope that Mazur posts something insane that makes me laugh and wish I was hanging out with people I cared out, not some jackass named Rodrigo Llantas who thinks whorehouses are cool.


The Bear said...

Love this song. Reminds me of one of the greatest television shows of all time. Without The Wonder Years, Id never quite understand the 1960's.

Hi Adam, sorry it's just me. Im still here. It might just be me, you, and Miller at Miller's bachelor party in 7 years. I hope you still come if that's the case. That'd be really dick if you didnt.

Conversations about the weather might seem forced and sometimes fake, but truth of the matter is that most people pay attention to the weather and therefore like to talk about it. I dont think DFW has seen any precipitation since it snowed in February, now thats going to get some people talking. Plus it's been 105 fucking degrees every fucking day for the last 2 months! Let us talk about it!

Ok, songs over now. Time to go check on my 500+ friends via Facebook. Maybe Ill tell someone who I have spoken to since college - "Happy Birthday! Hope you have a good one!"

Peace out ADub, hope you get some comments.

Adam said...


Not really. Had a shitty day in World 3 yesterday and wanted to get drunk with friends.


Brown said...

Williams, I prefer to this in person... What's your status for an August visit. I think I may have talked Faust into joining (all are welcome).

Adam said...

Get here anytime. Let me know soon so I can make sure I'm here. Shouldnt be traveling out of CR until early Sept. Beach, surfing, waterfall jumping?

Glad you responded. I miss your warmth.

Butz said...

Hi. Hello. I think I may be battling depression, but not sure. I think Adam needs to move back to the USA. Costa Rica is making him weird(er). Who is going to Costa Rica for a visit and when? I would like to be included in all of those conversations, please. Waterfalls are one of my favorite things on Earth. And rainbows. Waterfalls and rainbows. Bachelor parties with 3 people are weird and usually get gay, so I have heard. Facebook is still for idiots. The fad has lasted longer than I expected, but I will always refuse to get an account.

The Bear said...

Ya, wtf on this "Costa Rica" trip? I cant go in August, but I do appreciate invites. I can go in February if we plan now. Can I jump off of Waterfalls in February?

Facebook is 6 years strong now. Everyone is on it in some way or another, you just might not know about it.

Butz said...

I pay a Bosnian programmer in back hands to delete all Facebook tags of my name on a daily basis. So, yeah, I have Facebook under control.

More information on this trip! Can we make it fall?

Williams, can I get Rodrigo Llantas' Twitter handle?

Brown said...

I have to go in August because its theoretically the slowest month in my office but will not discourage any others from a seperate trip if August isn't enough time to plan...On the flip side, it will probably be the best trip of all time....

marcspoke said...

im not a bachelor party guy. maybe that means im doomed to be a bachelor for life.

butz, one of my psychiatrists, the one got that me the subscription(haha) to the anti-anxiety/depression/bipolar medication, told me depression is a choice. another psych rec'd adhd meds, amphetamines. ive been sold subscriptions 7 different fda approved fixes for fatal folly fundamental fuckups, f^5. choose the right pill.

marcspoke said...

im not a bachelor party guy. maybe that means im doomed to be a bachelor for life.

butz, one of my psychiatrists, the one got that me the subscription(haha) to the anti-anxiety/depression/bipolar medication, told me depression is a choice. another psych rec'd adhd meds, amphetamines. ive been sold subscriptions 7 different fda approved fixes for fatal folly fundamental fuckups, f^5. choose the right pill.

Adam said...

Brown, let's chat human style. Actually, I am calling you right now. You didn't answer.

As for August, let me know when you are coming and I will play tripadvisor. Im thinking beach, surf, ATVs, jungle, monkeys, waterfall jumping, spearfishing, snorkeling. Oh, and a free hotel.

Cool? :)

As for further trips to CR, as I have posted before, PLEASE come. We hired a chimp for an editor at the Tico Times who is 38 going on 22, has accomplished nothing in life and does drugs with the interns. Pretty money guy. My time in CR is running out, though I might stay in Central America a while.

What about NYE CR style? Is that realistic? Most of me thinks it is not.

As for depression, I haven't reached it, though, judging by my Joe Cocker oh woes me post, I'm definitely sick of spending time with people I dont really like much and know will fade out of my life about two weeks after we stop living in the same country.

Butz, you are right, I am probably weirder, though if you come back to visit, we will to the restaurant in Puerto Viejo and I will purchase the Sheed and Slice painting and mount it in my home for the remainder of my life.

Butz said...

I will more than likely be spending NYE on a catamaran in the ocean. That is the plan, anyway. CR would be a great backup plan.

ADub, how much would you pay for that painting? I would pay $500, but would prefer to steal it.

Adam said...

I would much rather steal, though would not die for it. Bullet in the leg, maybe. Bullet in the back, maybe not.

Who do you think painted that? Black Jesus?

L said...

Snapshot of life: I get honked at daily and flipped off weekly during a 45 min commute. I play soccer on Sundays, we are playing for 3rd place this Sunday. We live right next to the Zoo and go twice/month. I typically get shitfaced drunk at least twice/month. I abstain from smoking cigarettes. My cholesterol and blood pressure are under control. I wear a suit to work everyday but Friday. I still love Tator Tot's. Camry has 193K miles and purrs like a kitten. I enjoy playing Call of Duty Black Ops late at night. I love avacados. I high five A LOT at work. I will be making the playoffs in fantasy baseball. Clint Brown stole my golf shoes. TX might actually be home. I hate Drake. I will be drunk for 4 straight days next week as WeFest.


The Bear said...

And its 100 fucking degrees up there too isnt L?? Talk about that Minnesota weather

Faust said...

I'm so fucking bored I registered for the @BufaloWildWings Twitter account, and I now tweet absurdity in hopes that a) BWW pays me b)BWW assassinates me c)some one laughs

Butz said...

I honestly have no idea how Twitter works.

Who hates Drake? That seems un-Canadian.

Sheed and Slice painting was constructed by a drunk howler monkey under the supervision of Jean after partying with Extacies.

Adam said...

Drake is great. Listen to the Resistance. It's swell.


Did you win 3rd place?

What is WeFest?