Louis CK is pretty f' brilliant. I know people have talked about him before, and I may be late to this party- sue me.
His show, "Louie" on FX is ball dropping funny as well.
Any one see it?
Any one have a good show worth sharing? Or at least a show you think is good and every one else thinks is terrible, and it's really funny when you get called out for enjoying, "Meet the Browns"
Started watching Parks & Recreation due to your recommendation - a lot funnier than I once thought.
The Office & Modern Fam are obvious...
48 Hours Mystery & Dateline
Pawn Stars (addicting & amusing)
Flipping Out is actually pretty funny - my wife watches
Breaking Bad is the best show on television. News season starts Sunday.
Don't have cable.
National Geographic is a great magazine.
Take a look, it's a book, It's Reading Raaaaaainbow!!
"The moooorre you know"
Also, Two and A Half Men is undisputably the best show in the history of television.
Another very popular show here: Big Bang Theory.
My thoughts: Horrible, annoying, stupid.
Louis CK wrote the movie Pootietang. He is a very funny man and is slightly ashamed of his involvement in that movie. I once watched a roundtable with Jerry Sienfeld, Chris Rock and Louis CK. It was laugh out loud funny, but only when Louis CK was speaking. The rest of it was watching Seinfeld be a pretentious comedian, which doesnt make any sense. I wish I knew what show that was because I cant remember.
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