Thursday, July 14, 2011

Louis CK is pretty f' brilliant.  I know people have talked about him before, and I may be late to this party- sue me.

His show, "Louie" on FX is ball dropping funny as well.

Any one see it?

Any one have a good show worth sharing?  Or at least a show you think is good and every one else thinks is terrible, and it's really funny when you get called out for enjoying, "Meet the Browns"


The Bear said...

Started watching Parks & Recreation due to your recommendation - a lot funnier than I once thought.

The Office & Modern Fam are obvious...

48 Hours Mystery & Dateline

Pawn Stars (addicting & amusing)

Flipping Out is actually pretty funny - my wife watches

BDub_210 said...

Breaking Bad is the best show on television. News season starts Sunday.

Adam said...

Don't have cable.

National Geographic is a great magazine.

Take a look, it's a book, It's Reading Raaaaaainbow!!

"The moooorre you know"

Adam said...

Also, Two and A Half Men is undisputably the best show in the history of television.

Another very popular show here: Big Bang Theory.

My thoughts: Horrible, annoying, stupid.


Butz said...

Louis CK wrote the movie Pootietang. He is a very funny man and is slightly ashamed of his involvement in that movie. I once watched a roundtable with Jerry Sienfeld, Chris Rock and Louis CK. It was laugh out loud funny, but only when Louis CK was speaking. The rest of it was watching Seinfeld be a pretentious comedian, which doesnt make any sense. I wish I knew what show that was because I cant remember.