Tuesday, March 20, 2012

kate upton is stunning. obvious. there's so much going on in this photo. i had to post it. a gorgeous woman is heavenly. and if she's mute minus screams in the throes all the better :)


marcspoke said...

yes. she's exceeding the normal, read average, type of female that a member of the dominant chromosomed sex, read y chromosome should even fear. most males i've encountered have lolly males, and quite bitch-read persnickety-female stock as were necessary a third world sanskrit divulger were properly employed to assure her education included a good rope climb.... and just all that cardinal richelie, dont trust anyone bourgeoisie or svelty felty... prejudice does not include nipple vicinity to nun bikini brain.

marcspoke said...


Adam said...

You're a janitor.

marcspoke said...

i can clean.. and none of the above made sense