Wednesday, September 19, 2012

I am using this post to announce that the official IC 2013 New Years trip this year will be to Cuba by way of Costa Rica. Fly into San Jose Friday December 28th. Fly out of San Jose Sunday, January 6th. What happens in between will be Castro-tastic. Who is with us?


Butz said...

Review the quote of the week before you answer.

Adam said...

Viva La Revolucion!!

Gonna be best NYE in Cuban history.

Lee said...

I do not associate with Water Mexicans

Lee said...

Was that same picture used of that TCU girl? Or are there different Variety?

marcspoke said...


Faust said...

Is it ok to take an 8.5 month pregnant woman to Cuba?

Belfast is gloomier than a hungover Chambers.

marcspoke said...


L said...

I could sell a kid into child labor and make some quick cash...I'm in