As someone who has fully committed to the NFL schedule in life, I see the college games on Saturday pass by in the periphery. Still, I watched the first half of the Alabama and Arkansas game and thought "Damb, this is such a good product".
There is nothing wrong with the college football being played on the field. The problem is entirely off it. The rise of the super conference is the derivative of the BCS. The fractured-decentralized structure, where the power is in the hands of a few, is now evolving to the creation of the super conferences.
Closer to home, where it leaves our Alma Mater remains to be seen. It could be either a watered-down Big East, which would be disappointing, being that they should be in a conference with other football schools - but still competitively advantageous as we might end up in a weak ass BCS pool and have a walkway to a national championship game. Or the Big 12 could come into play somehow.
Regardless the issues that are coming into play in college football - explempified by the willingness of the school presidents to defend the BCS behind the blanket of tradition but happily destroy the rivalries their schools were built on -now parallel the way that I see boxing as a sport versus MMA. The UFC is a single entity, with an organized, talented and competitive line-up, which enables consistent high value fights. Much the same way as the NFL enables its game to be some good fucking week-to-week. College football however, is now becoming more and more pointlessly divided among itself, just as boxing is to the point that I have no idea which belts are required to make someone an undisputed champion.
But with the quality of the play still at such a high level, and the pageantry such in important part of the experience, the stands will continue to be filled and the T.V.s will continue to be on. It looks to be a long time still before we see the second order derivative of the BCS, that is the fully formed structure that will become the Super Conferences.