Tuesday, September 19, 2006


My only goal is to finish second to last...
However, I feel the ``Usual suspects'' include:
- Brown (who I voted for)
- Faust (who is a sleeper, but he tells me things. Lots of things)
- Butz (Yea, I can see that)
- Me (Well, I do what I do, ok)
- Weiss (to Gay porn)

In the Hunt for the Title:
- Chambers - still gets the unattainable random tail; no need
- Lubahn - Bad example for kid; weed slows sexual prowess
- Portillo - Will get grounded
- Mazur - No penis
- Bear - Probably gets laid
- Miller - Also probably touches girls more than I do, which is at a rate of 1 per/3 months or ``quarterly'' as I've begun to call it.

What a brilliant, brilliant idea.

I'm Out...

Ha-Ha-Hardly. However, it's Tuesday. If I'm still in by Saturday, I consider it victory. I'll probably be punching people at work by then.

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