Thursday, September 21, 2006

Let's get some clarification.
1)I don't want the first spanker to end the competition. I say we play a little dominoes and see who stands last.

We thus reward that man, who at that time will have balls as big as mine. Ideas for rewards? Maybe we Lee lends him one of his cornucopia of porn that he hides from Eleah.

2) Who are the 14 people who voted? Huh? Who are the write-in votes from outside the realm of the ``IC''? Somebody's talking.

I want answers.

I aint losing.

Dahli Lama


Faust said...

Anyone can vote who logs on to the Inner Circle.

Who knows. I know Piper has been on, as well as maybe other lovers.

I'm sure Piper would have voted for you Williams.

She thinks you're weak.

marcspoke said...

we rock... we keep up with each other's lives, and at the center of our keeping up with each other is our faith that we will believe we don't jack off, or that we will be honest about when an erection eruption ocurrs... does this make sense?

Faust said...

Yes. And it was beautiful.

BDub_210 said...

Its sounds like Miller is either tapping out or doubting the honor code (much like his days at TCU). So, have you spanked to the Bulgarian Boogerwolf you were giving CPR to last w/e?

Don't dance around're out capatain stabbin'

marcspoke said...

no masturbation for me...

her eyes... were really far apart.

i'd like to forget that one if possible. desperate measures in drunken euphoria... er, drunken blindness... friends are there to remind of these things. i shouldn't have told trista about the blog.

L said...

You can tell her, but just don't let her in!

BDub_210 said...

I'm out...