Please allow me to combine a few different points of discussion from the blog. Point onew, there are better group analogies for the Inner Circle. While street fighter is a fun literary vehicle for us, it is also incorrect and miss-representative for most except Miller. And if you are going to write a street fighter story about miller you would have needed to make Salt (AKA J.J., AKA Louis' cousin) that strung out indian guy who kicked people in the back that miller punched.
Second point of debate. The moving of Williams to Chicago has brought up between my girlfriend and I the topic of debate of who would hook up with whom, should the gang of my friends ever party with her friends. (For all who have seen her friends on the myspace you know this debate is in props like fashion for all involved).
So basically the discussion goes like this.
Me - My (single) friend would nail everyone of your friends.
Eleah - None of my friends would ever drunkingly make out with your friends.
At this point I have to remind her that this is the same thing she thought when we first met. And low and behold 913 days later the game was, as we say, "over".
So this is why Street Fighter is a poorer representation of us than say the Goonies. Really we are a rag tag bunch of unassuming, poorly dressing kids whose parents are getting kicked off their land for a golf course. Myabe not that last part.
Now the comparisons here are about. Chambers is that red head chick with the braces that always bitches about everything. Faust I might have to say your corey fieldmen. Bad hair and clothes but still enderring none the less and with a penis statue to boot. I know you dont speak spanish lies to houskeepers but from what I heard your french lies are sufficient.. Bear definetly sloth. Large, in charge, slighty vulger but with a sweet tooth for rocky road as big as your honey pumping heart. Williams your parents are divorced so you could be Mickey. Miller your really kind of a Brand, though we have all seen you as sloppy and inappropriately sweaty as sloth. Weiss you are going to have to be Data. I like gagets and science so was thinking about picking him for myself, but I heard you have a near unhealthy appreciation for the Asian Sensation so its your. So of course I will give myself the all around favorite chunk, if only beause this is my blog entry and also because there was a time where I would do many a self-depraving thing to impress you guys. Brown we are out of characters but I think its pretty obvious that you inherit the hair styles, big white tennis shoes and character wardrobe of all participants in the movie. So you like almost omni-present.
Ok I gotta run, to be completed soon...
I'll have to disagree with you on the appropriateness of Faust's analagies. I have often thought of you as Blanca with a brown sweater on your chest and half way up your arms. Good post though. I look forward to the truffle shuffle.
I take no offense. I stand by the SF2 analogies. Considering Portillo left off over half the guys in here.
But I am pleased to see that I am the Cory Feldman rep.
I think Portillo's writing style is best suited for poetry. There are no rules to poetry and you are able to write in any form you see fit.
I enjoyed both, however have only seen Goonies twice, and recall only ``Sloth love Chunk'' and data.
Are you kidding me? You've only seen Goonies twice? Really? No way!
I was too busy scoring with chicks. At age 6, the peak of my male to female encounters.
My boss just peaked over my shoulder and looked at me, then my screen with Guile and Blanka up, and returned to me.
I looked at her puzzled, causally minimized the screen and said coyly, ``Oh. Um, sorry.''
Then I sonic boomed her and a colleague yelled in quasi wise Chinamen accent ``You Win''.
I too love Portillo's lack of literary structure. It's so free-flowing and raw. It's an editor's dream.
That is funny.
She saw Blanka on your screen.
portillo is neither a spelling bee contest afficionado, nor a grammarian.
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