Wednesday, September 13, 2006

What is this... how do you say... blog?


Adam said...

When I look away and glance back, I see me.

Only skinnier.

And in college again.

And as a 4-time Wimbledon champ

The Bear said...

Now I'm confused... Is this a picture of Adam or Roger? No seriously!

The Bear said...

Oh ok, it says Roger Federer in the bottom left corner. Didn't see that.

By the way, I am the first person to link the look alike of these two. During the 2004 Australian Open with Weiss. We seriously laughed for 30 minutes straight. I told Williams the next day and then two weeks later at the Star Telegram,.. someone else told him. And then it began...

Adam said...

The tale you tell is true my friend Kevin.

And it changed my life forever...