Thursday, May 20, 2010

Thoughts on this flick? When I first heard about it, I wrote it off as a surefire piece of shit. The SNL skit isnt even funny to me, but it is getting some serious pub. I assume it will either be a heaping helping of donkey shit or a classic. Is anyone partial?

Side note: this blog has improved the quality of my life considerably.
Side note 2: going to a bachelor party in Tampa this afternoon and we have 10 moustached men playing a TPC course tomorrow morning. Hat tip to Faust for the bachelor party moustache phenomenon.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

For anyone with buyers remorse this proves that Nick belongs.

i feel like our t-shirt chair is neglecting his duties.
This is the best hip hop album I have heard in a long time. Well, it's also one of the only albums I have really listened to since the Hot Boys.  Regardless, it was good enough for me to post it so think about giving it a try.

Wale, a big Seinfeld fan, mixes classic lines from the show that flow well with his lyrics. He also has a newer album based on Back to the Future. If nothing else, the guy is doing something different, and his music is inspired.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

I am not going to be the guy who simply posts a humerous YouTube video everyday, I promise. The stars have aligned and I have seen a couple vidoes the last few days that I feel are worthy. I have done this to my girlfriend several times since viewing this and it continues to make me happy.

Monday, May 17, 2010

I bet they are.......yes they will.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

we the fuk isn't, and soon... but what i do know? i'm just a dumb alarmist that pays no attention to the world around me.

williams: cr should be safe.

i carry loaded weapons everywhere i go. this is just the tempest. welcome butz!

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Wow, it is good to be back and I am humbled by the votes of confidence you have all bestowed upon me. I have been fretting over this first post since yesterday, as I feel a great deal of pressure to come hard out of the gate. After a fifth of whiskey and a sleepless night, I made the decision to let the game come to me, so to speak. I am not going to force this first post, but instead play within the offense and look for my shot (at which point Bear will foul the fuck out of me). So, this is it. My first post. I peace.

Friday, May 14, 2010

Thursday, May 13, 2010

King Lames

Did anyone else truly enjoy watching "King" Lames shoot 3/14 in a 32-point Game 5 loss at home? Me too.

I think "King" Lames is the most over-hyped athlete in sports. He wasn't even close to hitting his shots Tuesday. They were off-the-side-of-the-rim bricks. It was ugly. Lubahn-esque, if I dare. And I do.

I don't know what commercials look like these days in the Untied (intentional) States, but I assume LeBrenda is everyone: Vitamin water, Powerbars, Tonka Trucks, Noxema. Why? In his career, he has had one important game in the playoffs, when he scored like 27 points in a row against the Pistons in the Eastern Conference Finals 2007. He was then swept in the finals.

That's a pretty weak resume for a King.

Oh, and as for his 32-point drubbing at home on Tuesday, I indeed was "A Witness".

Monday, May 10, 2010

I hung out with Nick Butz this weekend.... Butz is great... blah blah blah.

Anyway, he wants in. He thinks he can bring something special to the blog. I can't argue with him. So, there is a poll to your right. Please vote him in or out.  It take 100% of the voters to allow him in.  His major concern was Chambers vote.  Please only vote once.

Friday, May 07, 2010

Have you seen this man?

Name: Lee Portillo
DOB: 6/20/1968
Last Seen: Windows down on the Santa Ana freeway in a 1984 Acura

Thursday, May 06, 2010

Good News in SA
From today's NYTimes: (I am transcribing this as well...I don't like links, but we can't paste text?? Poop on thee, Blogger)
In early December, Julián Castro, the newly elected mayor of San Antonio, visited the White House to attend President Obama's national jobs-and-economic-growth forum. Castro was one of only five mayors in attendance and, at age 35, the youngest. When his turn came to speak - the subject was the creation of green jobs - the president looked at him, midway down the long conference table, and said: "I though he was on our staff. I thought he was an intern. This guys's a mayor?" The other participants - world-famous economists, environmentalists and politicians - burst into laughter.

"Of San Antonio, Texas," Castro said evenly.

Obama grinned. "I'm messing with you," he said. "I know who you are."

(The rest of the article goes on the french kiss your new mayor's culo. It's a little too complimentary if you ask me, but, seems like SA's got a pretty solid hombre in the mayor's office)

Yeah for Politics!

Wednesday, May 05, 2010

Enjoy a Cold One Fellas

Tuesday, May 04, 2010

being the subversive prickface that i am, i'll instigate the religion and politics conversation. blogs are forums of sorts. how many people really pay attention to us anyway? having imposed some of the "sword" side of the american religio/politico no-separation-of-church-and-state-bane-of-my-existence-bullshit on a culture resembling marx brothers' films, i feel suited to discuss these topics. i'll talk sex too, and even belches. i think it's good to get things out among friends, what are friends for... by no means am i trying to get a conversation going about war, muslims, or anything like that, just figured we like south park, and generally have a disdain for o'reilly.

we'll see where it goes? o'reilly is prophetic in this country, which is scary.

"they're courageous"-o'reilly(fundamentalist/extremist muslims)... and distorted-me.

Monday, May 03, 2010

Hey Gents. I'm at the local gin joint watching my Spurs and the fiery francophile Tony Parker and I wanted to share this gem with you all. This is Ginger shakin' her tush with her sistas...see?!

Friday, April 30, 2010

Happy Birthday Buddy....I am sorry that I missed the party but I saw the pics!

Thursday, April 29, 2010


It's pretty tough to come by "Basquet" games here so, with the start of the playoffs, I've found my way to Chubbs American bar about 3 times in the last 8 days to watch all the hoops I can possibly digest. Also, the waitresses are attractive reformed prostitutes (just worth mentioning).

Here are my observations of the NBA as I understand it after watching about 10 games. Feel free to weigh in with some of your own.

* I am better at basketball than Jermaine O'Neal. Dude is a corpse.

* LeBron is the only person to know how to refer to himself in the 4th person.

* Josh Smith is the only player in NBA history to jam his neck on the JumboTron (which was supplied by Brady Haaaasss).

* The Thunder are fun. They're not good. But they're fun.

* Derrick Rose may not have really graduated high school, but damnit, if he had someone to pass to that wasn't a sub-par veteran (Luol Deng is not good Lubahn) then maybe Chicago wouldn't be an 8-seed that really "challenged" the 1-seed every year.

* It appears the mandatory route to true NBA success is to create a team with at least 3 current or past all-stars. If you do not meet this requisite, you are not a real contender.

Boston: Pierce, Garnett, Allen, Wallace, Rondo and even Moses Finley
Cleveland: Shaq, Jamison, LeBrenda
Lakers: Do I really need to list them?
Mavs: See above
SA: Big 3 + Jefferson
Magic: Carter, Lewis, Dwight
Phx (contender?): Nads, Amare, Richardson
(I don't consider Utah or Denver contenders. That may not be fair)

* Chris Anderson's Dad is Puck from the Real World

As for the main series we all care about:
* Tony Parker is great. Blessed be the franchise that discovered him.
* Dirk Nowitzki is fantastic. Blessed be the franch...yeah, yeah, you get it.
* It is fun to watch two teams beat the shit out of each other
* Eddie Najera learned a lot from the Thuggets. Maybe too much.
* Annual playoff complaining about referees makes me nauseas (spelling nauseas is awkward)

Monday, April 26, 2010

just copy and paste, and go easy on the women.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

These guys go hard...