Monday, May 17, 2010

I bet they are.......yes they will.


Adam said...

Very uncomfortable.

Butz is on fire.

BDub_210 said...

Saw that on digg...

Faust said...

Did he really think that was an appropriate question? I mean, he wasn't put on the spot at all. On second thought, fuck it, good for him.

Butz said...

It seemed like a planned comment to me and I got a sexual predatorish vibe from the guy as well.

marcspoke said...

that was awesome, and spot on, and awesome.

that's the intro to a porn, give it a day.

i'm against fake tits, and penile implants. wtf is wrong with someone's head that they're willing to alter their body unnecessarily? it's just a vessel, treat it like you in it.

maybe one day the morgues will start pulling the implants out, reusing them?


Adam said...

You nailed it Marcsmen.

I hate fake boobs and those who own them. How low is your self-esteem and how vanity obsessed are you that you must absurdify (verb) yourself to attract attention. If it is attention one covets, the "fake-tit" window probably runs 5-10 years. Then they turn 36 and just look pathetic, which they already are.

Rant Boy, Rant!

Brown said...

If you could have a surgery that improved your odds of getting laid by 10x, would you? I think you would...